我制作了一个适合我的数据的表格,但不是我想要的那种形式。我混合并搭配了不同的想法,但都没有奏效。可能有更简单的方法来创建包含这么多数据的表格,但我不知道怎么做。我想要每个框周围都有一条细黑边框。我的 amsmaths 总是碰到框的顶部,导致无法阅读。有没有办法可以把它整齐地放在 7 英寸宽的页面中?第 5 列和第 6 列最难放进去,因为我有分数。它看起来是这样的。
\usepackage[a4paper, total={7in, 10in}]{geometry}
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
y & d & $h_1$ (trapezium) & $h_2$ (isosceles triangle) & Trapezium Area $\frac{c+d}{2}\times h_1$ & Isosceles Area & Total Area \\[5pt]\hline
0.1 & 1.239378559 & 4.9 & 0.1 & $\frac{5.12+1.239}{2}\times15.5907148$ & $\frac{1.239\times0.1}{2}=0.06196892795$ & 15.65268373 \\[5pt]\hline
0.5 & 2.57400435 & 4.5 & 0.5 & $\frac{5.12+2.574}{2}\times4.5=17.32091161$ & $\frac{2.574\times0.5}{2}$ & 17.96441272 \\[7pt]\hline
1 & 3.364274683 & 4 & 1 & $\frac{5.12+3.36}{2}\times=16.97690637$ & $\frac{3.36\times1}{2}=1.682137342$ & 18.65904368 \\[5pt]\hline
2 & $\frac{4\pi}{3}$ & 3 & 2 & $\frac{5.12+\frac{4\pi}{3}}{2}\times3=13.96945306$ & $\frac{\frac{4\pi}{3}\times2}{2}$ & 18.15824327 \\[5pt]\hline
3 & 4.637117923 & 2 & 3 & $\frac{5.12+4.64}{2}\times2=9.761296424$ & $\frac{4.637\times3}{2}=6.955676885$ & 16.74180653 \\[5pt]\hline
4 & 4.923837669 & 1 & 4 & $\frac{5.12+4.924}{2}\times1=5.1024008085$ & $\frac{4.924\times4}{2}=9.847675338$ & 14.87168342\\[5pt]\hline
\caption{Area of a variety of sized trapezium and isosceles triangles within the cross=section of wine glass.}
(2) 为了让表格适合页面的宽度,我们将字体改为 ,small
inside 来减少第三和第四个标题的宽度。
(5)我们使用 测试每个单元格是否带有边框hvlines
,我们使用 来评估只有水平线和较短单元格的外观。
\usepackage[a4paper, total={7in, 10in}, showframe]{geometry} % added showframe <<<
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\newcolumntype{M}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{#1}}% not used
\usepackage{nicematrix}% added <<<<<<<<<<
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{5pt} % default 6pt
\begin{NiceTabular}{cccclcc}[cell-space-limits=10pt, hvlines] % expand the cells + all lines
y & d& \Block{}{$h_1$ \\(trapezium)} & \Block{}{$h_2$ \\ (isosceles \\ triangle)} & Trapezium Area $\frac{c+d}{2}\times h_1$ & Isosceles Area & Total Area \\
0.1 &1.239378559 &4.9&0.1&$\frac{5.12+1.239}{2}\times15.5907148$ &$\frac{1.239\times0.1}{2}=0.06196892795$ &15.65268373\\
0.5 &2.57400435 &4.5&0.5&$\frac{5.12+2.574}{2}\times4.5=17.32091161$ &$\frac{2.574\times0.5}{2}$ &17.96441272\\
1 &3.364274683 &4 &1 &$\frac{5.12+3.36}{2}\times=16.97690637$ &$\frac{3.36\times1}{2}=1.682137342$ &18.65904368\\
2 &$\frac{4\pi}{3}$ &3 &2 &$\frac{5.12+\frac{4\pi}{3}}{2}\times3=13.96945306$ &$\frac{\frac{4\pi}{3}\times2}{2}$ &18.15824327\\
3 &4.637117923 &2 &3 &$\frac{5.12+4.64}{2}\times2=9.761296424$ &$\frac{4.637\times3}{2}=6.955676885$ &16.74180653\\
4 &4.923837669 &1 &4 &$\frac{5.12+4.924}{2}\times1=5.1024008085$ &$\frac{4.924\times4}{2}=9.847675338$ &14.87168342\\
\caption{Area of a variety of sized trapezium and isosceles triangles within the cross=section of wine glass.}
\begin{NiceTabular}{cccclcc}[cell-space-limits=8pt, hlines] % expand the cells + only horizonal lines
y & d& \Block{}{$h_1$ \\(trapezium)} & \Block{}{$h_2$ \\ (isosceles \\ triangle)} & Trapezium Area $\frac{c+d}{2}\times h_1$ & Isosceles Area & Total Area \\
0.1 &1.239378559 &4.9&0.1&$\frac{5.12+1.239}{2}\times15.5907148$ &$\frac{1.239\times0.1}{2}=0.06196892795$ &15.65268373\\
0.5 &2.57400435 &4.5&0.5&$\frac{5.12+2.574}{2}\times4.5=17.32091161$ &$\frac{2.574\times0.5}{2}$ &17.96441272\\
1 &3.364274683 &4 &1 &$\frac{5.12+3.36}{2}\times=16.97690637$ &$\frac{3.36\times1}{2}=1.682137342$ &18.65904368\\
2 &$\frac{4\pi}{3}$ &3 &2 &$\frac{5.12+\frac{4\pi}{3}}{2}\times3=13.96945306$ &$\frac{\frac{4\pi}{3}\times2}{2}$ &18.15824327\\
3 &4.637117923 &2 &3 &$\frac{5.12+4.64}{2}\times2=9.761296424$ &$\frac{4.637\times3}{2}=6.955676885$ &16.74180653\\
4 &4.923837669 &1 &4 &$\frac{5.12+4.924}{2}\times1=5.1024008085$ &$\frac{4.924\times4}{2}=9.847675338$ &14.87168342\\
\caption{Area of a variety of sized trapezium and isosceles triangles within the cross=section of wine glass.}
\usepackage[a4paper, total={7in, 10in}, showframe]{geometry}
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\usepackage{makecell} % added <<<<<<<<<<
\setcellgapes{10pt}% expand cells vertically
\makegapedcells %<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
y & d &\thead{ $h_1$ \\ (trapezium)} &\thead{ $h_2$ \\ (isosceles \\triangle)} &\thead{Trapezium Area \\ $\frac{c+d}{2}\times h_1$}& Isosceles Area & Total Area \\[-5pt]\hline
0.1 & 1.239378559 & 4.9 & 0.1 & $\frac{5.12+1.239}{2}\times15.5907148$ & $\frac{1.239\times0.1}{2}=0.06196892795$ & 15.65268373 \\\hline
0.5 & 2.57400435 & 4.5 & 0.5 & $\frac{5.12+2.574}{2}\times4.5=17.32091161$ & $\frac{2.574\times0.5}{2}$ & 17.96441272 \\\hline
1 & 3.364274683 & 4 & 1 & $\frac{5.12+3.36}{2}\times=16.97690637$ & $\frac{3.36\times1}{2}=1.682137342$ & 18.65904368 \\\hline
2 & $\frac{4\pi}{3}$ & 3 & 2 & $\frac{5.12+\frac{4\pi}{3}}{2}\times3=13.96945306$ & $\frac{\frac{4\pi}{3}\times2}{2}$ & 18.15824327 \\\hline
3 & 4.637117923 & 2 & 3 & $\frac{5.12+4.64}{2}\times2=9.761296424$ & $\frac{4.637\times3}{2}=6.955676885$ & 16.74180653 \\\hline
4 & 4.923837669 & 1 & 4 & $\frac{5.12+4.924}{2}\times1=5.1024008085$ & $\frac{4.924\times4}{2}=9.847675338$ & 14.87168342\\\hline
\caption{Area of a variety of sized trapezium and isosceles triangles within the cross=section of wine glass.}