当内容大小增加时,如何防止带有 \hline 的长表格从新页面开始?

当内容大小增加时,如何防止带有 \hline 的长表格从新页面开始?

TL;DR - 我想知道当内容空间不足时如何才能完全阻止转到下一页longtablehline

我决定在大学使用 latex 写我的论文。表格特别费劲,因为我似乎找不到任何资源来帮助我弄清楚如何使表格的内容longtable继续hlines到下一页而不是从新页面开始。为了提供更多信息,下面的屏幕截图显示了我与我

我想要的是 我拥有的
第四栏内容继续 在此处输入图片描述



\author{Visal Rajapakse}
\date{September 2021}



\begin{longtable}{| p{.20\textwidth} | p{.80\textwidth} |} 
foo & bar \\ \hline 
% As rendered in the document, the first row of the long table remains in page 1, while the rest of the content moves to the next page as there isn't enough vertical space in page 1 to show the content in the second row. What I want is to have most of the content in the second row to remain in page 1, while the extra content of row 2 that wouldn't fit in page 1 to start in page 2. Such that, there isn't a huge space in page 1
Something 1 & \lipsum[1] \\ \hline 
foo & bar \\ \hline

\caption{Your caption here} % needs to go inside longtable environment





