文档类 scrbook 中的引用在同一页上

文档类 scrbook 中的引用在同一页上

我在论文中使用了 document class scrbook,参考书目放在最后。我希望使用 cite 的引用与我引用的引用位于同一页(类似于脚注文本)。我尝试了所有方法,但无法将 documentclass scrbook 更改为其他内容。有没有办法让引用的参考书目位于同一页?

% Format of the dissertation

\documentclass[12pt,numbers=noenddot,headings=normal, headsepline, a4paper, pdftex,bibtotoc,openany]{scrbook}

%\usepackage[a4paper, inner=2.3cm, outer=3.2cm, top=3cm, bottom=3.5cm]{geometry}




% something for Umlauts
% use timew new roman as the default font ... no


% Mathematical symbols
\usepackage[official]{eurosym} %added
\usepackage[pdftitle={Dissertation}, bookmarksopen=false, pdfauthor={G}, pdfstartview=FitH, hidelinks]{hyperref} %hidelinks used to remove the ugly red boxes
%\usepackage{subcaption}% added
\usepackage{subfig}% Added to have figures side-by-side
\renewcommand\thesubfigure{\roman{subfigure}} % change numbering of figure to roman i, ii ...

%added long table for table longer than a page

\usepackage{xcolor} % added 
%\usepackage{framed, xcolor} % added 
\usepackage{colortbl}% http://ctan.org/pkg/colortbl %added 
\usepackage{rotating}  % to allow for sidewaystables
\usepackage{verbatim}  % to allow for comments

\usepackage{xargs} %added 
%\usepackage{pgf-pie} % added 




\newenvironment{abstract}{\rightskip1in\itshape}{} %added 
\usepackage{scrextend} %added 

\usepackage{algorithm}% http://ctan.org/pkg/algorithms %added 
\usepackage{algpseudocode}% http://ctan.org/pkg/algorithmicx %added 


\usepackage{float}%Added  to keep figure within the section where it was mentioned

\usepackage{booktabs} %added to create nice table


%added from here till the new command ending
\colorlet{tableheadcolor}{gray!25} % Table header colour = 25% gray
\newcommand{\headcol}{\rowcolor{tableheadcolor}} %he
\colorlet{tablerowcolor}{gray!10} % Table row separator colour = 10% gray
\newcommand{\rowcol}{\rowcolor{tablerowcolor}} %
% Command \topline consists of a (slightly modified) \toprule followed by a \heavyrule rule of colour tableheadcolor (hence, 2 separate rules)
% Command \midline consists of 3 rules (top colour tableheadcolor, middle colour black, bottom colour white)
% Command \rowmidlinecw consists of 3 rules (top colour tablerowcolor, middle colour black, bottom colour white)
% Command \rowmidlinewc consists of 3 rules (top colour white, middle colour black, bottom colour tablerowcolor)
% Command \rowmidlinew consists of 1 white rule
% Command \rowmidlinec consists of 1 tablerowcolor rule
% Command \bottomline consists of 2 rules (top colour

\newcommand{\todob}[1]{\stepcounter{TodoItemCounterCounter}\todo[inline, color=blue!15]{\textbf{TODO (\arabic{TodoItemCounterCounter}):} #1}}
\newcommand{\todor}[1]{\stepcounter{TodoItemCounterCounter}\todo[inline, color=red!40]{\textbf{TODO (\arabic{TodoItemCounterCounter}):} #1}}
\newcommand{\todoy}[1]{\stepcounter{TodoItemCounterCounter}\todo[inline, color=orange!40]{\textbf{TODO (\arabic{TodoItemCounterCounter}):} #1}}
  color=green!40]{\textbf{TODO (\arabic{TodoItemCounterCounter}):}

\DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{png}{.png}{`convert #1 `dirname #1`/`basename #1 .tif`.png}
\pgfplotsset{cycle list={{black, mark=*}, {red,mark=triangle*},{blue, mark=square*}, {green,mark=diamond*},{magenta, mark=+}, {orange,mark=x}}}


        matrix of nodes,
        row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
        column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
        nodes={rectangle,text width=2cm,align=center},
        text depth=1.25ex,
        text height=2.5ex,
        nodes in empty cells

\newcommand{\cbox}[1]{\parbox[t]{2cm}{\centering #1}}
%% Till here for drawing of Tikz

%%% Added 


        line width=.05pt, 
        \draw[black,bottom color=#2, top color=#2] (-\mwid,0) -- (-\mwid+.4,-1) arc (190:350:\marc cm and 5mm) -- (\mwid,0);
        \draw[black,fill=#3] (0,0) ellipse (\mwid cm and 5mm);
        \path (-\mwid,0) -- (-\mwid+.4,-1) coordinate[midway] (a\xi);

%%From here : 
\usepackage{fourier} % Utilisation des polices texte
\usepackage[french]{babel} % styles français
\title{A simple Timetable}
\author{Laurent Dutriaux}
\newcommand{\daywidth}{2.2 cm}
%% Till here

%%From here : 
\newcommand{\mx}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Matrix command
\newcommand{\vc}[1]{\mathbf{\bm{#1}}} % Vector command
%% Till here

%%% NEW TIKZ: 
% Defines a `datastore' shape for use in DFDs.  This inherits from a
% rectangle and only draws two horizontal lines.
    \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north east}
    \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south east}
    \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south west}
    \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north west}
        %  store lower right in xa/ya and upper right in xb/yb
        \southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
        \northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
%% Till here

\usepackage{flafter}          % Floats immer erst nach der Referenz setzen
% Defines a \FloatBarrier command, beyond which floats may not
% pass; useful, for example, to ensure all floats for a section
% appear before the next \section command.
    \renewcommand{\fps@figure}{tbp}         % default {tbp}

%\usepackage[margin=10pt,font=small, labelfont=bf, labelsep=endash]{caption}

% Legt die EinrückTiefe der ersten Zeile für alle folgenden Absätze fest. 

% This gives the size between two lines`

% This allows \begin{align} \end{align} to have page breaks in-between. 

% Sets the table of contents depth

\newtheorem{hyp}{Hypothesis} %added 
% \theoremstyle{definition}
% \newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section]
% \newtheorem{lemma}[definition]{Lemma}
% \newtheorem{proposition}[definition]{Proposition} 
% \newtheorem{satz}[definition]{Theorem}
% \newtheorem{bemerkung}[definition]{Remark}
% \newtheorem{beispiel}[definition]{Example}
% \newtheorem{theorem}[definition]{Theorem}
% \renewcommand{\proofname}{Proof}


\newcommand{\ds}{\, d \sigma}
\newcommand{\dx}{\, d x}
\newcommand{\bndi}{\int_{\partial \Omega_k \cap \partial \Omega}}
\newcommand{\nbndi}{\int_{\partial \Omega_k \backslash \partial \Omega}}
\newcommand{\nen}{\int_{\Gamma \backslash \Gamma_0}}
\newcommand{\dsigma}{\mathrm{d} \sigma}

% These are some names that appear very often. 
% It is in this way simpler to change the spelling. 
\newcommand{\qee}{quasi one-dimensional Euler equations}
\newcommand{\ns}{Navier-Stokes equations}

\newcommand{\rrho}{\overline \rho}
\newcommand{\uu}{\overline u}
\newcommand{\vv}{\overline v}
\newcommand{\EE}{\overline E}
\newcommand{\pp}{\overline p}
\newcommand{\xx}{\overline x}
\newcommand{\yy}{\overline y}
\newcommand{\mmu}{\overline \mu}
\newcommand{\TT}{\overline T}
\newcommand{\CC}{\overline C}
\newcommand{\ttau}{\overline \tau}


% from aiaa paper

\newcommand{\ddx}[2]{\partial_{#2} #1}    %{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}  
\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left\llbracket #1\right\rrbracket}









我为你找到了解决方案,它取自于此来源(与 一起工作\documentclass{scrbook




\usepackage{lipsum} % for dummy text

\title{Footnote Citations with Biblatex}





This is an example citation \autocite{ginsberg}.
\lipsum[1] % dummy text

This is another example citation \autocite{brassard}.
\lipsum[2] % dummy text

This is a repeated citation \autocite{brassard}.
\lipsum[3] % dummy text

This is another example citation \autocite{adorf}.
\lipsum[4] % dummy text


