TikZ - 确定完成的 TikZ 图片的厘米尺寸

TikZ - 确定完成的 TikZ 图片的厘米尺寸

我想以某种方式以编程方式确定 TikZ 图片的大小。有办法吗?这是一个简单的 MWE,我可以通过了解块大小并计算它们之间的节点距离来估计尺寸约为 8cm x 11cm。但更复杂的 TikZ 图片会使估计最终尺寸变得更加困难。




    [bigblock/.style={draw, rectangle, minimum size=5cm},
     smallblock/.style={draw, rectangle, minimum size=2cm}
    \node [bigblock]                    (box1)  {};
    \node [bigblock, above=of box1]     (box2)  {};
    \node [smallblock, right=of box2]   (box3)  {};




感谢评论中的@hpekristiansen 指出这个以 pt 为单位打印 TikZ 图片大小的答案:https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/137367/33388

我还将它与这里的答案结合起来,将 pts 转换为 cm:https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/137367/33388




\newcommand{\pgfsize}[2]{ % #1 = width, #2 = height
    \pgfextractx{\@tempdima}{\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{south west}}
        {\pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{north east}}}
        \pgfextracty{\@tempdima}{\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{south west}}
            {\pgfpointanchor{current bounding box}{north east}}}
\def\convertto#1#2{\strip@pt\dimexpr #2*65536/\number\dimexpr 1#1}


    [bigblock/.style={draw, rectangle, minimum size=5cm, align=center},
     smallblock/.style={draw, rectangle, minimum size=2cm, align=center}
    \node [bigblock]            (box1)  {};
    \node [bigblock, above=of box1]     (box2)  {};
    \node [smallblock, right=of box2]   (box3)  {};


% varwidth option was added to the standalone class options to allow for line breaks
Width = \convertto{cm}{\the\mywidth} cm\\
Height = \convertto{cm}{\the\myheight} cm


TikZ 图片的宽度和高度(厘米)
