本周我发现 Biblatex 以 APA 7 格式格式化某些参考文献的方式发生了奇怪的变化。由于我没有对文档的编码和格式进行任何更改,因此我对这种变化的方式和原因感到困惑。
我在 Windows 10 21H1 上使用 MikTex 发行版的 TexStudio 4.0。已安装的软件包已更新为最新版本。我在 TeX 文件中的 biblatex 调用是:
\addbibresource{hb_specialist.bib} % BibTeX bibliography file
我正在使用 Zotero 来提供 hb_specialist.bib 文件。
当我检查 Zotero APA 7 样式演示文稿时,我得到了正确的布局(见屏幕截图):
下面是显示错误格式的 MWE。filecontents 中的条目是从 zorero hb_specialist.bib 文件复制而来的。
%----- taal/font pakketten
%----- bibliografie -----
%----- Bronvermelding -----
type = {Edutainment},
title = {Intelligence: Definition, Theories and Testing.},
author = {Ruhl, Charlotte},
date = {2016-07-16},
url = {https://www.simplypsychology.org/intelligence.html},
urldate = {2021-04-11},
abstract = {Take-home Messages Defining and classifying intelligence is extremely complicated. Theories of intelligence range from having one general intelligence (g), to certain primary mental abilities, and to multiple category-specific intelligences. Following the creation of the Binet-Simon scale in the early 1900s, intelligence tests, now referred to as intelligence quotient (IQ) tests, are the most widely-known and used measure for determining an individual’s intelligence. Although these tests are generally reliable and valid tools, they do have their flaws as they lack cultural specificity and can evoke stereotype threat and self-fulfilling prophecies. IQ scores are typically normally distributed, meaning that 95\% of the population has IQ scores between 70 and 130. However, there are some extreme examples of people with scores far exceeding 130 or far below 70.},
langid = {english},
organization = {{SymplyPsychology}}
type = {Powerpoint},
title = {Levenlang hoogbegaafd?},
author = {Van Dasler, Hanneke},
date = {2020-10-06},
abstract = {Inleidende presentatie over begaafdheid bij de opleiding tot HB Specialist van de Hogeschool Windesheim.},
eventtitle = {Opleiding HB Specialist},
langid = {Nederlands},
venue = {{Hogeschool Windesheim, Zwolle}},
keywords = {gifted education,special educational needs,theoretical framework},
file = {D\:\\Datamap\\Zotero\\storage\\QM3S7RLQ\\Van Dasler - 2020 - Levenlang hoogbegaafd.pdf}
title = {Raising the Bar. {{The}} Competencies of Specialists in Gifted Education},
author = {Van Gerven, Eleonoor},
date = {2021},
institution = {{Universiteit van Hasselt}},
location = {{Hasselt, België}},
langid = {english},
pagetotal = {509},
annotation = {ISBN 978-94-0361-786-2}
Van Dasler (\citeyear{vandasler2020}) betrekt in haar presentatie het werk van Van Gerven. Van Gerven heeft onlangs haar proefschrift gepresenteerd, waarin ze een overzicht geeft van de ontwikkeling van begaafdheidsonderwijs in Nederland \parencite{vangerven2021}. Intelligentie is een construct waar geen consensus over bestaat: zie \cite{ruhl2016}.
使用实现第 7 版 APA 样式的最旧版本的 PDF“之前”屏幕截图生成输出。
假设你确实想要 APA 风格,那么“之后”的截图已经相当接近你的需求了。但仍有一些改进的空间
- APA 格式一般不使用 ISBN,论文也不需要 ISBN。
角度来看,将 ISBN 放入字段中也是一个糟糕的举动,因为该字段isbn
专用于保存 ISBN。 - PowerPoint 幻灯片在 中的添加方式略有不同
(见下面的例子)。 - APA 格式通常不包含 URL 访问日期。示例仅在“页面内容设计为随时间变化”时才包含该日期。您必须自行判断是否属于这种情况
\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}
powerpoint = {PowerPoint slides},
type = {Edutainment},
title = {Intelligence: Definition, Theories and Testing},
author = {Ruhl, Charlotte},
date = {2016-07-16},
url = {https://www.simplypsychology.org/intelligence.html},
urldate = {2021-04-11},
langid = {english},
organization = {SymplyPsychology},
entrysubtype = {powerpoint},
title = {Levenlang hoogbegaafd?},
author = {Van Dasler, Hanneke},
date = {2020-10-06},
eventtitle = {Opleiding HB Specialist},
langid = {Nederlands},
publisher = {Hogeschool Windesheim, Zwolle},
keywords = {gifted education,special educational needs,theoretical framework},
title = {Raising the Bar},
subtitle = {The Competencies of Specialists in Gifted Education},
author = {Van Gerven, Eleonoor},
date = {2021},
institution = {Universiteit van Hasselt},
location = {Hasselt, België},
langid = {english},
pagetotal = {509},
isbn = {978-94-0361-786-2},
\Textcite{vandasler2020} betrekt in haar presentatie het werk van Van Gerven.
\Citeauthor{vangerven2021} heeft onlangs haar proefschrift gepresenteerd,
waarin ze een overzicht geeft van de ontwikkeling van
begaafdheidsonderwijs in Nederland \parencite{vangerven2021}.
Intelligentie is een construct waar geen consensus over bestaat: zie \cite{ruhl2016}.