

我正在尝试将脚注放在 Stub 列布局的边缘上

借助本论坛讨论的主题 David Carlisle 给出的解决方案


  1. 当段落拆分为下一页时,这些段落包含脚注,实际上脚注指示器在下一页,但脚注打印在上一页

  2. 当浮动出现在页面上时,页面上会有更多空间,并且文本会流到页面之外。


我的 MWE 是




    \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
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       \csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark

\gdef \@makecol {%
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       \vskip \skip\footins
         \unvbox \footins
   \global\setbox\@ne\vsplit\ftbox to \textheight
   \global \let \@midlist \@empty
     \setbox\@outputbox \vbox to\@colht {%
       \dimen@ \dp\@outputbox
       \unvbox \@outputbox
       \vskip -\dimen@
   \global \maxdepth \@maxdepth



WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are,loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application.\footnote{The simple macro item: WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty}

2 WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. \footnote{Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it.} However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

3 Thirty-eight participants completed surveys assessing knowledge of and comfort with contraceptive care immediately before and after the curriculum; 20 participants completed surveys assessing the same domains 4--6 months after the curriculum. Data from surveys administered immediately post-curriculum demonstrated significant improvements in knowledge about and comfort with counseling about, assessing medical eligibility for, and initiating multiple forms of contraception. Many of these improvements in knowledge and comfort were maintained on follow-up

4 Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.

5 Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.
Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.\footnote{Footnote on page 2}
Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the\footnote{2nd Footnote on page 2} general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.

\caption{Figure Caption}

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. \footnote{However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks.} Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

\caption{Figure Caption}

\section{A head}
language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. \footnote{The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving} loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, \footnote{and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions} that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks.

\caption{Figure Caption}

\subsection{B Head}
Thus you do not have to be a macro\footnote{footnote} language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional {statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and} read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:



使用类( 、和memoir的超集)和命令。bookreportarticle\footnotesinmargin

% marginfnprob.tex  SE 617139


\footnotesinmargin % put footnotes aligned in the margin


WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are,loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application.\footnote{The simple macro item: WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty}

2 WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. \footnote{Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it.} However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

3 Thirty-eight participants completed surveys assessing knowledge of and comfort with contraceptive care immediately before and after the curriculum; 20 participants completed surveys assessing the same domains 4--6 months after the curriculum. Data from surveys administered immediately post-curriculum demonstrated significant improvements in knowledge about and comfort with counseling about, assessing medical eligibility for, and initiating multiple forms of contraception. Many of these improvements in knowledge and comfort were maintained on follow-up

4 Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.

5 Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.
Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.\footnote{Footnote on page 2}
Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the\footnote{2nd Footnote on page 2} general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.

\caption{Figure Caption}

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. \footnote{However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks.} Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

\caption{Figure Caption}

\section{A head}
language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. \footnote{The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving} loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, \footnote{and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions} that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks.

\caption{Figure Caption}

\subsection{B Head}
Thus you do not have to be a macro\footnote{footnote} language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional {statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and} read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:


\usepackage{marginfix}% just in case


\renewcommand{\footnotetext}[2][\value{footnote}]{\marginpar{\normalfont\footnotesize\sloppy% or \raggedright



WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are,loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application.\footnote{The simple macro item: WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty}

2 WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. \footnote{Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it.} However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

3 Thirty-eight participants completed surveys assessing knowledge of and comfort with contraceptive care immediately before and after the curriculum; 20 participants completed surveys assessing the same domains 4--6 months after the curriculum. Data from surveys administered immediately post-curriculum demonstrated significant improvements in knowledge about and comfort with counseling about, assessing medical eligibility for, and initiating multiple forms of contraception. Many of these improvements in knowledge and comfort were maintained on follow-up

4 Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.

5 Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.
Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.\footnote{Footnote on page 2}
Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the\footnote{2nd Footnote on page 2} general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.

\caption{Figure Caption}

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. \footnote{However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks.} Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

\caption{Figure Caption}

\section{A head}
language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. \footnote{The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving} loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, \footnote{and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions} that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks.

\caption{Figure Caption}

\subsection{B Head}
Thus you do not have to be a macro\footnote{footnote} language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional {statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and} read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:



memoir提供各种页面注释:底部脚注;页边距中的脚注,可从下往上列出或与标注对齐;侧边栏 --- 文本设置在页边距中,长度可达到多页。请参阅第 12 章页面注释在手册中(< texdoc memoir



\usepackage{marginfix}% just in case

\renewcommand{\footnotetext}[2][\value{footnote}]{\marginpar{\normalfont\footnotesize\sloppy% or \raggedright


WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are,loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application.\footnote{The simple macro item: WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty}

2 WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. \footnote{Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it.} However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

3 Thirty-eight participants completed surveys assessing knowledge of and comfort with contraceptive care immediately before and after the curriculum; 20 participants completed surveys assessing the same domains 4--6 months after the curriculum. Data from surveys administered immediately post-curriculum demonstrated significant improvements in knowledge about and comfort with counseling about, assessing medical eligibility for, and initiating multiple forms of contraception. Many of these improvements in knowledge and comfort were maintained on follow-up

4 Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.

5 Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.
Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.\footnote{Footnote on page 2}
Cirrhotic patients are more vulnerable to sedation-related complications than the\footnote{2nd Footnote on page 2} general population, and there is no consensus on sedation during endoscopic procedures for these patients, whose numbers are increasing globally. Our study compared the efficacy of sedation, hemodynamic, respiratory effects, the incidence of side effects, and patient and endoscopist satisfaction with dexmedetomidine-ketamine versus propofol-ketamine during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) in hepatic patients with Child-Pugh classification.

\caption{Figure Caption}

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. \footnote{However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks.} Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

\caption{Figure Caption}

\section{A head}
language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. \footnote{The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving} loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, \footnote{and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions} that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks.

\caption{Figure Caption}

\subsection{B Head}
Thus you do not have to be a macro\footnote{footnote} language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

WinEdt's macro language has evolved gradually: as the need arose for actions beyond a predefined set of commands. As a consequence, it is a pretty non-standard language that implements loops and conditional {statements with macro functions rather than keywords. Sophisticated macro scripts involving loops and conditional statements are, admittedly, hard to write and} read, and it may take some time to become familiar with it. However, WinEdt comes with almost 500 predefined macro functions that can be used to accomplish the most common tasks. Thus you do not have to be a macro language guru to create an interface that launches an external application. The simple macro item:

