扫描使用 __nicematrix_CodeAfter_i:n 时文件结束。
在以下 MWE 中,删除 时\eqmakebox[equalized][r]
\item[Summary of Conversion of Quantities Across Gears]
\begin{NiceTabularX}{\textwidth}{>{\bfseries}m[c]{\widthWord} X[3,c, m] X[1, c, m]}
Quantity & Conversion Rule & Notes
\cmidrule(lr){1-1} \cmidrule(lr){2-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-3}
Torque & \adjustbox{valign=b}{\eqmakebox[equalized][r]{${T_{\mathrm{new}} = T_{\mathrm{old}}}$}
$\left[ \frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}}{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}} \right]\phantom{^{2}}$
} & Torque increases with teeth in gears
\Block[c]{1-1}{Mechanical \\ Impedance} & \adjustbox{valign=b}{\eqmakebox[equalized][r]{$Z_{\mathrm{M, \thinspace new} = Z_{\mathrm{M, \thinspace old}}}$}
$\left[ \bigstrut
\frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}}{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}} \right]^{2}$
} & Mechanical impedance increases with teeth in gears
\Block[c]{1-1}{Angular \\ Displacement} & \adjustbox{valign=b}{\eqmakebox[equalized][r]{$\theta_{\mathrm{new}} = \theta_{\mathrm{old}}$}
$\left[ \frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}}{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}} \right]\phantom{^{2}}$
} & Angular displacement decreases with teeth in gears
\item[Summary of Conversion of Quantities Across Gears]
\begin{NiceTabularX}{\textwidth}{>{\bfseries}m[c]{\widthWord} X[3,c, m] X[1, c, m]}
Quantity & Conversion Rule & Notes \\
\cmidrule(lr){1-1} \cmidrule(lr){2-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-3}
Torque &
\eqmakebox[equalized][r]{${T_{\mathrm{new}} = T_{\mathrm{old}}}$}
\frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}}
{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}}
} &
Torque increases with teeth in gears
\Block[c]{1-1}{Mechanical \\ Impedance} &
\eqmakebox[equalized][r]{$Z_{\mathrm{M, \thinspace new} = Z_{\mathrm{M, \thinspace old}}}$}
$\left[ \bigstrut
\frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}}
{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}}
} &
Mechanical impedance increases with teeth in gears
\Block[c]{1-1}{Angular \\ Displacement} &
\eqmakebox[equalized][r]{$\theta_{\mathrm{new}} = \theta_{\mathrm{old}}$}
\frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}}
{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}}
} &
Angular displacement decreases with teeth in gears
\item[Summary of Conversion of Quantities Across Gears]
Quantity & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Conversion Rule} & Notes \\
\cmidrule(lr){1-1} \cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(lr){4-4}
Torque &
T_{\mathrm{new}} = T_{\mathrm{old}} &
\frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}}
{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}}
\right] &
\splitcell{Torque \\ increases with \\ teeth in gears}
\splitcell{Mechanical \\ Impedance} &
Z_{\mathrm{M, \thinspace new}} = Z_{\mathrm{M, \thinspace old}} &
\left[ \bigstrut
\frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}}
{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}}
\right]^{2} &
\splitcell{Mechanical \\ impedance \\ increases with \\ teeth in gears}
\splitcell{Angular \\ Displacement} &
\theta_{\mathrm{new}} = \theta_{\mathrm{old}} &
\frac{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Source} Shaft}}
{\stackanchor{Number of Teeth of Gear}{in the \alert{Destination} Shaft}}
\right] &
\splitcell{Angular \\ displacement \\ decreases with \\ teeth in gears}