Texstudio 返回错误

Texstudio 返回错误

我尝试在 Texstudio 中运行此 beamer。但我遇到了“未定义控制序列。\end{frame}”。beamer 在 overleaf 中编译,但在 Texstudio 中编译失败。


\title{An example of using the \texttt{rtsched} package with Beamer}
\author{Giuseppe Lipari}
\institute[Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna]{Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna -- Pisa}




  \frametitle{An example with fixed priority}

        %% the first job of task 1 arrives at time 0,
        %% with a relative deadline of 4
        %% the second job arrives at time 4
        %% etc
        %% the task executes in intervals [0,1], [4,5], etc.
        %% the second task




