\parbox 高度可伸缩

\parbox 高度可伸缩


\fbox{\parbox[c][0pt plus 1fill][t]{3in}{...Content...}}

\parbox似乎根本没有拉伸。 有没有办法将 设置\parbox为可拉伸高度? 或者,有没有办法保存一个空的可拉伸框的尺寸,然后使用一些技巧,明确地将 设置为\parbox如果可以拉伸则应具有的高度?


这与\parbox和重叠\vfill。它还使用 TikZ 和\tikzmark在其周围绘制一个框架。


\usepackage{lipsum}% MWE only

\newcounter{boxnumber}% for unique tikzmark names

  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \coordinate (top) at (0,\ht\strutbox);
    \coordinate (bottom) at (pic cs:boxnumber.\theboxnumber);
    \draw ($(top)+(2pt,2pt)$) rectangle ($(bottom)+(-2pt,-2pt)$);

Some text before the box.


Some text between the boxes.


Bottom of page.

当然,在考试课上你可以使用\begin{solutionbox}{\stretch{1}} ... \end{solutionbox}


\question How high is up?

More than you can reach.

\question Why?

Why not?



根据@John Kormylo的回答,我得到了一些代码,允许将宽度和高度设置为任何有效的skips。我对如何从 计算框的大小不满意tikzmarks,而且我觉得我正在重新创建 的部分tcolorbox,但这里是...





% Compute the size of the box with named top and bottom tikzmarker's.
% This cannot be done using Expl3 syntax because it relies on tikz understanding the ":" character.
\NewDocumentCommand{\ComputeBoxDims}{m m}{%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
        % The 0.7\baselineskip is the default height of \strut.
        % This sets the top of the box to be right above the height of the text.
        \coordinate (top) at ($(pic cs:#1)+(0,0.7\baselineskip)$);
        \coordinate (bottom) at (pic cs:#2);
            \draw[very thick, black, fill=blue!10!white] ($(top)$) rectangle ($(bottom)$);
            % Compute the actual width and height of the box.
                coordinate \C;
                \C = (bottom) - (top);
                \Cwidth = abs(\Cx);
                \Cheight = abs(\Cy);

% Make a box of zero size whose content is still shown
% I'm not sure how to do this with only expl3 boxes...
            \vbox_top:n {

% A box that takes up no space and will be negatively offset
% by the given width and height
\NewDocumentCommand{\offset_box}{m m +m}{

\skip_new:N \l_fullbox_skip_preferred_width
\skip_new:N \l_fullbox_skip_preferred_height
\dim_new:N \l_fullbox_dim_padding
\dim_new:N \l_fullbox_dim_box_width
\dim_new:N \l_fullbox_dim_box_height
\keys_define:nn { fullbox } {
    width .skip_set:N = \l_fullbox_skip_preferred_width,
    width .initial:n = {0pt plus 1fill},
    height .skip_set:N = \l_fullbox_skip_preferred_height,
    height .initial:n = {0pt plus 1fill},
    padding .skip_set:N = \l_fullbox_dim_padding,
    padding .initial:n = {0.3\baselineskip},
\NewDocumentCommand{\fullbox}{o +m}{
    \IfValueTF {#1}{
        \keys_set:nn { fullbox } {#1}
        \keys_set:nn { fullbox } {}

    \skip_vertical:N \l_fullbox_skip_preferred_height
    \skip_horizontal:N \l_fullbox_skip_preferred_width

    % For some reason the tikz picture has a non-zero size,
    % so we stuff it in a size-zero box.
    \dim_gset:Nn \l_fullbox_dim_box_width {\gTmpBoxWidth pt}
    \dim_gset:Nn \l_fullbox_dim_box_height {\gTmpBoxHeight pt}
            \dim_eval:n {\l_fullbox_dim_box_width - \l_fullbox_dim_padding}
            \dim_eval:n {\l_fullbox_dim_box_height - \l_fullbox_dim_padding}
                \dim_eval:n {\l_fullbox_dim_box_width - 2\l_fullbox_dim_padding}

        \question Answer well.
            \part What do you think?

            \part What do you think?

            \part Last question...


