我有两个子表放置在连续浮动环境中。但是,正如我在示例中试图说明的那样,(i) 我希望子表彼此相连。此外,(ii) 我希望避免在第一段和第一个表之间留有空白。(iii) 所有表都不应位于第二段下方。我发布这个问题是因为即使在搜索有关子表的类似问题后,我也找不到解决方案。我的问题有解决方案吗?代码如下:
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\caption{Comparison of production function estimators \\[+ 2.5mm]}
\caption{Gross output specification}
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{Model:}} \\
\\[-1.8ex] & OLS & FE & OP & LP & WD \\
\\[-1.8ex] & (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Capital & 0.036$^{***}$ & 0.023$^{***}$ & 0.07$^{***}$ & 0.044$^{***}$ & 0.064$^{***}$ \\
& (0.001) & (0.005) & (0.008) & (0.009) & (0.009) \\
Labour & 0.241$^{***}$ & 0.208$^{***}$ & 0.236$^{***}$ & 0.246$^{***}$ & 0.241$^{***}$ \\
& (0.005) & (0.009) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.001) \\
Intermediates & 0.714$^{***}$ & 0.705$^{***}$ & 0.726$^{***}$ & 0.731$^{***}$ & 0.736$^{***}$ \\
& (0.003) & (0.006) & (0.003) & (0.003) & (0.001) \\
R\&D & & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Observations & 24,438 & 24,438 & 24,215 & 24,360 & 24,360 \\
No. of Firms & 5,056 & 5,056 & 5,055 & 5,047 & 5,047 \\
Returns to scale & 0.991 & 0.936 & 1.02 & 1.04 & 1.04 \\
R$^{2}$ & 0.979 & 0.857 & 0.973 & 0.973 & 0.974 \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
\multicolumn{2}{r}{$^{*}$p$<$0.1; $^{**}$p$<$0.05; $^{***}$p$<$0.01} & \\
\caption*{\textit{Continued} \\[+ 2.5mm]}
\caption{Value-added specification}
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{Model:}} \\
\\[-1.8ex] & OLS & FE & OP & ACF & WD \\
\\[-1.8ex] & (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Capital & 0.136$^{***}$ & 0.095$^{***}$ & 0.268$^{***}$ & 0.107$^{***}$ & 0.277$^{***}$ \\
& (0.005) & (0.017) & (0.037) & (0.079) & (0.027) \\
Labour & 0.874$^{***}$ & 0.693$^{***}$ & 0.889$^{***}$ & 0.891$^{***}$ & 0.901$^{***}$ \\
& (0.009) & (0.022) & (0.011) & (0.185) & (0.004) \\
R\&D & & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Observations & 24,438 & 24,438 & 24,215 & 24,360 & 24,360 \\
No. of Firms & 5,056 & 5,056 & 5,055 & 5,047 & 5,047 \\
Returns to scale & 1.01 & 0.788 & 1.16 & 0.693 & 1.19 \\
R$^{2}$ & 0.820 & 0.193 & 0.733 & 0.678 & 0.690 \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
\multicolumn{2}{r}{$^{*}$p$<$0.1; $^{**}$p$<$0.05; $^{***}$p$<$0.01} &\\
\textit{Note:} Standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the firm level. Standard errors of control function estimates are generated using 50 bootstrap repetitions and not accounting for firm exit. Controls include two-digit industry dummies, year dummies, and a dummy for East Germany. Due to zero values in the investment or the energy expenditures variables some observations are dropped.\\[+ 2.5mm] \textit{Source}: CAF AFiD panel of industrial firms, 2003-2007, covering firms in the manufacturing sector with 20 or more persons employed, own calculations.}
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\caption{Comparison of production function estimators \\[+ 2.5mm]}
\caption{Gross output specification}
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{Model:}} \\
\\[-1.8ex] & OLS & FE & OP & LP & WD \\
\\[-1.8ex] & (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Capital & 0.036$^{***}$ & 0.023$^{***}$ & 0.07$^{***}$ & 0.044$^{***}$ & 0.064$^{***}$ \\
& (0.001) & (0.005) & (0.008) & (0.009) & (0.009) \\
Labour & 0.241$^{***}$ & 0.208$^{***}$ & 0.236$^{***}$ & 0.246$^{***}$ & 0.241$^{***}$ \\
& (0.005) & (0.009) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.001) \\
Intermediates & 0.714$^{***}$ & 0.705$^{***}$ & 0.726$^{***}$ & 0.731$^{***}$ & 0.736$^{***}$ \\
& (0.003) & (0.006) & (0.003) & (0.003) & (0.001) \\
R\&D & & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Observations & 24,438 & 24,438 & 24,215 & 24,360 & 24,360 \\
No. of Firms & 5,056 & 5,056 & 5,055 & 5,047 & 5,047 \\
Returns to scale & 0.991 & 0.936 & 1.02 & 1.04 & 1.04 \\
R$^{2}$ & 0.979 & 0.857 & 0.973 & 0.973 & 0.974 \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
\multicolumn{2}{r}{$^{*}$p$<$0.1; $^{**}$p$<$0.05; $^{***}$p$<$0.01} & \\
\caption*{\textit{Continued} \\[+ 2.5mm]}
\caption{Value-added specification}
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textit{Model:}} \\
\\[-1.8ex] & OLS & FE & OP & ACF & WD \\
\\[-1.8ex] & (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Capital & 0.136$^{***}$ & 0.095$^{***}$ & 0.268$^{***}$ & 0.107$^{***}$ & 0.277$^{***}$ \\
& (0.005) & (0.017) & (0.037) & (0.079) & (0.027) \\
Labour & 0.874$^{***}$ & 0.693$^{***}$ & 0.889$^{***}$ & 0.891$^{***}$ & 0.901$^{***}$ \\
& (0.009) & (0.022) & (0.011) & (0.185) & (0.004) \\
R\&D & & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
Observations & 24,438 & 24,438 & 24,215 & 24,360 & 24,360 \\
No. of Firms & 5,056 & 5,056 & 5,055 & 5,047 & 5,047 \\
Returns to scale & 1.01 & 0.788 & 1.16 & 0.693 & 1.19 \\
R$^{2}$ & 0.820 & 0.193 & 0.733 & 0.678 & 0.690 \\
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
\multicolumn{2}{r}{$^{*}$p$<$0.1; $^{**}$p$<$0.05; $^{***}$p$<$0.01} &\\
\textit{Note:} Standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the firm level. Standard errors of control function estimates are generated using 50 bootstrap repetitions and not accounting for firm exit. Controls include two-digit industry dummies, year dummies, and a dummy for East Germany. Due to zero values in the investment or the energy expenditures variables some observations are dropped.\\[+ 2.5mm] \textit{Source}: CAF AFiD panel of industrial firms, 2003-2007, covering firms in the manufacturing sector with 20 or more persons employed, own calculations.
- 使用
)时,表格可以包含注释和备注,也可以更紧凑。因此需要的空间更少。 - 删除
(如@DavidCarlisle 在他的评论和回答中所建议的:+1)以删除表格上方的空白区域。 - 表被插入到组中,其中确定
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\begingroup % for tables common setup
input-open-uncertainty =,
input-close-uncertainty =,
\caption{Gross output specification}
\caption{Gross output specification}
label = none,
entry = none,
note{} = {Standard errors in parentheses:
*: $p<0.10$,\quad
**: $p<0.05$,\quad
***: $p<0.01$.
]{colspec={ l *{5}{X[c, si]} },
rowsep = {1pt},
row{1,2} = {font=\bfseries},
row{1-3} = {guard},
row{odd[4-9]} = {abovesep=0pt, belowsep=1ex}
& \SetCell[c=5]{c} Model
& & & & \\
& OLS & FE & OP & LP & WD \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
& 0.036\TblrNote{***}
& 0.023\TblrNote{***}
& 0.07\TblrNote{***}
& 0.044\TblrNote{***}
& 0.064\TblrNote{***} \\
& (0.001) & (0.005) & (0.008) & (0.009) & (0.009) \\
% \addlinespace
& 0.241\TblrNote{***}
& 0.208\TblrNote{***}
& 0.236\TblrNote{***}
& 0.246\TblrNote{***}
& 0.241\TblrNote{***} \\
& (0.005) & (0.009) & (0.004) & (0.004) & (0.001) \\
% \addlinespace
& 0.714\TblrNote{***}
& 0.705\TblrNote{***}
& 0.726\TblrNote{***}
& 0.731\TblrNote{***}
& 0.736\TblrNote{***} \\
& (0.003) & (0.006) & (0.003) & (0.003) & (0.001) \\
% \addlinespace
& {?} & {?} & {?} & {?} & {?} \\
& {24,438} & {24,438} & {24,215} & {24,360} & {24,360} \\
No. of Firms
& {5,056} & {5,056} & {5,055} & {5,047} & {5,047} \\
Returns to scale
& 0.991 & 0.936 & 1.02 & 1.04 & 1.04 \\
& 0.979 & 0.857 & 0.973 & 0.973 & 0.974 \\
\caption[]{Gross output specification -- \textit{Continued}}
\caption{Value-added specification}
label = none,
entry = none,
note{} = {Standard errors in parentheses:
*: $p<0.10$,\quad
**: $p<0.05$,\quad
***: $p<0.01$.
remark{Note} = {
Standard errors in parentheses, clustered at the firm level. Standard errors of control function estimates are generated using 50 bootstrap repetitions and not accounting for firm exit. Controls include two-digit industry dummies, year dummies, and a dummy for East Germany. Due to zero values in the investment or the energy expenditures variables some observations are dropped.},
remark{Source} = {
CAF AFiD panel of industrial firms, 2003-2007, covering firms in the manufacturing sector with 20 or more persons employed, own calculations.}
]{colspec={ l *{5}{X[c, si]} },
rowsep = {1pt},
row{1,2} = {font=\bfseries},
row{1-3} = {guard},
row{odd[4-9]} = {belowsep=1ex}
& \SetCell[c=5]{c} Model
& & & & \\
& OLS & FE & OP & LP & WD \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
& 0.136\TblrNote{***}
& 0.095\TblrNote{***}
& 0.268\TblrNote{***}
& 0.107\TblrNote{***}
& 0.277\TblrNote{***} \\
& (0.005) & (0.017) & (0.037) & (0.079) & (0.027) \\
& 0.874\TblrNote{***}
& 0.693\TblrNote{***}
& 0.889\TblrNote{***}
& 0.891\TblrNote{***}
& 0.901\TblrNote{***} \\
& (0.009) & (0.022) & (0.011) & (0.185) & (0.004) \\
& {?} & {?} & {?} & {?} & {?} \\
& {24,438} & {24,438} & {24,215} & {24,360} & {24,360} \\
No. of Firms
& 5,056 & 5,056 & 5,055 & 5,047 & 5,047 \\
Returns to scale
& 1.01 & 0.788 & 1.16 & 0.693 & 1.19 \\
& 0.820 & 0.193 & 0.733 & 0.678 & 0.690 \\