LaTex 错误:缺少 \endcsname 插入。无法编译

LaTex 错误:缺少 \endcsname 插入。无法编译

在编辑论文某一章的引文时,我遇到了几十个如下的错误,并且无法再将文件编译为 pdf:

*Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.420 ...dre_left_2007}{nyt/global//global/global}
The control sequence marked <to be read again> should
not appear between \csname and \endcsname.*

看来引用或 output.aux 文件有问题。我尝试清除缓存,但没有帮助。

有人知道这是怎么回事吗?我会很感激任何提示!这是我的 .tex 文件:


12pt, % The default document font size, options: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
oneside, % Two side (alternating margins) for binding by default, uncomment to switch to one side
onehalfspacing, % Single line spacing, alternatives: onehalfspacing or doublespacing
%draft, % Uncomment to enable draft mode (no pictures, no links, overfull hboxes indicated)
%nolistspacing, % If the document is onehalfspacing or doublespacing, uncomment this to set spacing in lists to single
%liststotoc, % Uncomment to add the list of figures/tables/etc to the table of contents
%toctotoc, % Uncomment to add the main table of contents to the table of contents
%parskip, % Uncomment to add space between paragraphs
%nohyperref, % Uncomment to not load the hyperref package
\headsepline  % Uncomment to get a line under the header
%chapterinoneline, % Uncomment to place the chapter title next to the number on one line
consistentlayout, % Uncomment to change the layout of the declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages to match the default layout
dottedtoc, headinclude, footinclude=true,
]{MastersDoctoralThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage{array} %for tables
\usepackage{mathpazo} % Use the Palatino font by default
\usepackage[justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}



 % textfont=12pt,
 % singlelinecheck=false

\usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=authoryear,natbib=true,firstinits=true]{biblatex} % Use the bibtex backend with the authoryear citation style (which resembles APA)

\addbibresource{References0111.bib} % The filename of the bibliography
  bibliography = {References},

\usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % Required to generate language-dependent quotes in the bibliography


    paper=a4paper, % Change to letterpaper for US letter
    inner=2.5cm, % Inner margin
    %outer=3.8cm, % Outer margin
    outer=3cm, % Outer margin
    bindingoffset=.5cm, % Binding offset
    top=1.5cm, % Top margin
    bottom=1.5cm, % Bottom margin
    %showframe, % Uncomment to show how the type block is set on the page


\newcommand{\thesis}{Thesis for Attaining the Academic Grade}

\hypersetup{pdftitle=\ttitle} % Set the PDF's title to your title
\hypersetup{pdfauthor=\authorname} % Set the PDF's author to your name
\hypersetup{pdfkeywords=\keywordnames} % Set the PDF's keywords to your keywords


\frontmatter % Use roman page numbering style (i, ii, iii, iv...) for the pre-content pages

\pagestyle{plain} % Default to the plain heading style until the thesis style is called for the body content
%   Title Page                                                                %


% for me it worked converting all eps to pdf using epstopdf
      {\LARGE \mytitle}\\
      %{\huge huge font size}
      by \\
      {\Large \myname}\\
      {\normalsize \thesis}\\[0.2in]
      {\Large \Master} \\
      {\normalsize \inwhat} \\[0.1in]
      {\Large \program} \\
      {\normalsize \firstsupervisor}\\
      {\normalsize \cosupervisor}\\
      {\normalsize \submission}\\
%   Abstract                                               %
  \pagenumbering{roman} \setcounter{page}{1}  % this is the first counted page
 % not longer than 150 words for BSc theses and MSc theses!
%write here



\tableofcontents % Prints the main table of contents

\listoffigures % Prints the list of figures

\listoftables % Prints the list of tables


\begin{abbreviations}{ll} % Include a list of abbreviations (a table of two columns)



\mainmatter % Begin numeric (1,2,3...) page numbering

\pagestyle{thesis} % Return the page headers back to the "thesis" style



% Include the chapters of the thesis as separate files from the Chapters folder
% Uncomment the lines as you write the chapters




% Cue to tell LaTeX that the following "chapters" are Appendices
% Include the appendices of the thesis as separate files from the Appendices folder
% Uncomment the lines as you write the Appendices




%   Affirmation Statement/Eidesstattliche Erklärung                                                       %
\thispagestyle{empty} % no footnotes, no heads, no page numbers
      {\Large Eidesstattliche Erklärung\\} 
      Hiermit erkläre ich, \myname, die vorliegende Arbeit \textit{\mytitle} selbständig verfasst zu haben und keine anderen Quellen oder Hilfsmittel als die angegebenen verwendet zu haben. 
        $\overline{\textrm{\myname, \matrikelnummer}}$
      {\Large Affirmation Statement\\} 
      I, \myname, hereby affirm that I composed the work at hand, entitled \textit{\mytitle}, autonomously and that I did not use any other resources or auxiliary means than the ones stated. 
        $\overline{\textrm{\myname, \matrikelnummer}}$

