%########################## works with both lipsum and blindtext AND real text.
\section{Dummy 1}
\section{Dummy 2}
\textcolor{red}{Hello again \lipsum[3-6] and again}
\section{Dummy 3}
\textcolor{purple}{Hello again \lipsum[7-14] and again}
\subsection{Dummy 3a}
\textcolor{brown}{Hello again \lipsum[15-17] and again}
\newcommand{\dummyfigure}{\tikz \fill [NavyBlue] (0,0) rectangle node [black] {Figure} (2,2);}
Nr. & Case 1 & Case 2 & Case 3 & Case 4 \\
\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Parameter 1} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(a)}\label{a} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(b)}\label{b} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(c)}\label{c}& \dummyfigure \caption*{(d)}\label{d}\\
\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Parameter 2} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(e)}\label{e} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(f)}\label{f} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(g)}\label{g} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(h)}\label{h} \\
\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Parameter 3} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(i)}\label{i} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(j)}\label{j} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(k)}\label{k} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(l)}\label{l}\\
\caption{Table of figures}
我想将第 3 页的图表移到第 1 页和第 2 页之间。请指点。
在文档中插入表格(之前\section{Dummy 3}
请注意,如果您删除从 到 \centering
\newcommand{\dummyfigure}{\tikz \fill [NavyBlue] (0,0) rectangle node [black] {Figure} (2,2);}
%########################## works with both lipsum and blindtext AND real text.
\section{Dummy 1}
\section{Dummy 2}
\textcolor{red}{Hello again \lipsum[3-6] and again}
Nr. & Case 1 & Case 2 & Case 3 & Case 4 \\
\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Parameter 1} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(a)}\label{a} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(b)}\label{b} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(c)}\label{c}& \dummyfigure \caption*{(d)}\label{d}\\
\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Parameter 2} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(e)}\label{e} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(f)}\label{f} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(g)}\label{g} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(h)}\label{h} \\
\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Parameter 3} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(i)}\label{i} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(j)}\label{j} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(k)}\label{k} & \dummyfigure \caption*{(l)}\label{l}\\
\caption{Table of figures}
\vspace{\textheight} % fill the remainig space of the page
\section{Dummy 3}
\textcolor{purple}{Hello again \lipsum[7-14] and again}
\subsection{Dummy 3a}
\textcolor{brown}{Hello again \lipsum[15-17] and again}