使用 \newgeometry 在文档中途更改页面大小

使用 \newgeometry 在文档中途更改页面大小



%\usepackage[driver=pdftex, paperwidth=10in]{geometry}                                                                                                                           

This is a standard page.
This is a big landscape page.
Back to a standard page


Package geometry Warning: `paperwidth': not available in `\newgeometry'; skippe
Package geometry Warning: `paperheight': not available in `\newgeometry'; skipp



%\usepackage[driver=pdftex, paperwidth=10in]{geometry}                                                                                                                           







This is a standard page.

\edef\hmm{\pdfpagewidth=\the\pdfpagewidth \pdfpageheight=\the\pdfpageheight\relax}

This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. 
This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. 
This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. 
This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. 
This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. 
This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. 
This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page.


This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. 
This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. This is a big landscape page. 

Back to a standard page
