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% Resume in Latex
% Author : Sourabh Bajaj
% License : MIT



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%%%%%%  CV STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


  \textbf{\href{}{\Large XXXXXXX}} & Email : \href{mailto:XXXXXX}{XXXXXX}\\
  \href{}{XXXXX} & Mobile : XXXXX \\

{3+ years of experiences in process industries, and 4+ years of research experience. Process engineering experiences in the largest EPC brand, adept on process development, process improvement, throughput increase. Experiences of designing and operation of adsorbtion, distillation columns and utility system. Knowlegable in. Proven record of technical and scientific writing, preparing-publishing scientific papers and conference presentations from lab/research findings}

      {Auburn University}{Auburn, AL}
      {Research Assistant}{Aug 2020 - Present}
        \resumeItem{Responsibilities }
          {Graduate research on computational modeling and machine learning for process systems and molecular design}
        \resumeItem{Derivative Free Optimization (DFO)}
          {Developed Aspen Plus process simulation and automated the process simulation for assessing cost comparison at a wide range of inlet flow rate and hydrogen sulfide concentration. DFO  a balck-box optimization suite named RBFopt is used to optimize the annualized cost function of intensified chemical process. The optimization function contained twenty decision variables. }
        \resumeItem{Competing Technology Comparison}
          {Cost-effective technologies are identified among the competing technologies for both conventional and modulerized configuration. The uncertainties of significant parameters were propagated to estimate the uncertainty of cost for each process. }
        \resumeItem{Flexibility Analysis}
          {Derivative Free Optimization of Intensified Chemical Process: Balck-box optimization suite  RBFopt  is used to optimize the annualized cost function  }

      {Yeungnam University}{Auburn, AL}
      { Research Assistant}{Aug 2019 -Aug 2020}
          {Procesdifferent nanomaterial synthesis procedures such as microwave, hydrothermal, chemical vapor deposition, and self-assembly. Used tube furnace, ISCO pump (supercritical CO2), microwave reactor, tip ultrasonicator, vacuum oven, cryo refrigerator, freeze dryer, vacuum evaporator, and centrifuge Performed various characterization techniques (i.e. SEM, TEM, AFM, XRD, NMR, XPS, FTIR, EDS, TGA, GC, EIS, UV-VIS, ICP-AES }

      {Syngenta}{Chittagong, Bangladesh}
      {Senior Production Officer}{Feb 2019 - May 2019}
          { Performed documentation for standard audits (JSA , WRA, CRA,  PPE audits etc). Developed visual management in production line (ie Pictorial SOPs). Trained operation team on standard operating procedures. Implemented  product and process compliance and adherence to Syngenta CoP. Ensured work place safety and effective communication of Safety, Health and Environment to all team members.}
          {Installation of Boshch Packaging Equipment}

      {ZICOM Equipment Pte. Ltd.}{Dhaka, Bangladesh}
      {Process Engineer}{Jun 2012- Dec 2014}
          {Commissioned process plant. troubleshooted process operation \& PLC-HMI. Conversent with Alen Bradley Control Logics. PID Control loop, DMC, Process Optimization }
          {Condensate Fractionation Plant; Silicagel Dehydration Type Natural Gas Process Plant; Teg Type Natural Gas Process Plant }


      {Rockwell PLCs }
      {Rudimentary Krowldge on ICHQ7 "Overview of ICH Q7 Online Training Course" Parenteral Drug Association }
   { Python, Matlab, Machine learning, LaTeX}
  \resumeSubItem{Process Simulation}
      {Aspen HYSYS , Aspen Plus, PYPESIM. Heat exchanger Design: HTRI Certified  (Jakarta, Indonesia), Aspen Exchanger Design \& Rating (EDR). Aspen Economic Analyzer (Graduate course), AutoCAD, Visio.}


      {Auburn University}{Auburn, AL}
      {Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering; (Ongoing)}{Aug 2019 -- Present}
      {Yeungnam University}{Gyeongsan, South Korea}
      {Master of Science in Chemical Engineering;  GPA: 4.31/4.50}{Aug 2016 -- Feb 2018}
      {Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology}{Dhaka, Bangladesh}
      {Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering;  GPA: 3.22/4.00}{Aug 2008 -- Mar 2012}

%--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------
%\section{Programming Skills}
%  \resumeSubHeadingListStart
%    \item{
%      \textbf{Languages}{: Scala, Python, Javascript, C++, SQL, Java}
%      \hfill
%      \textbf{Technologies}{: AWS, Play, React, Kafka, GCE}
%    }
%  \resumeSubHeadingListEnd



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\setitemize{noitemsep,topsep=0pt,parsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt,leftmargin=*} %Make itemize environment more compact

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\noindent\textbf{\large XXXXXX} \hfill Email: XXXXXX\\
XXXXXX \hfill Mobile: XXXXXXX

Github Link

\noindent\lipsum[1]\bigskip % intro text placeholder

\noindent\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}X@{}} % @{} removes horizontal padding

    \item \textbf{Auburn University} \hfill Auburn, AL
    \item[] \textit{Research Assistant \hfill Aug. 2020 - present} % The [] removes the bullet
            \item[] \lipsum[1] % Experience placeholder text 


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