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这是期刊模板的 Latex 代码。虽然期刊网站上的随附 PDF 在奇数页和偶数页中都显示了运行页眉,但当我执行同一个文件时,在偶数页中没有得到运行页眉。更具体地说,命令,

\afterpage{\rhead[]{\thepage} \chead[\small A.B. First and C.D.         
Second Author]{\small  Short title} \lhead[\thepage]{} }

似乎没有输出。我给几个人发了电子邮件,当他们在电脑上运行它时,输出似乎没问题。他们建议我更新我的 LaTeX 版本。我目前正在使用 Tex Live 版本 2021。我可能错过了一些显而易见的东西,但我已经卡了很长时间了。

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper,twoside]{article}
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\fancyhead{} \fancyfoot{} \fancyhead[CO]{\small
Quasigroups~and~Related~Systems ~{\bf 30}~(2022), $xx - yy$}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\afterpage{\rhead[]{\thepage} \chead[\small A.B. First and C.D.         %%%%%%%%% complete
Second Author]{\small  Short title} \lhead[\thepage]{} }                  %%%%%%%%% complete

{\Large \textbf{The full title of the paper}}\\[3mm]
{\Large\textbf{continue or delete this line}}\\[26pt]
{\large \textsf{\emph{Author(s) with the full first name }}}
\textbf{Abstract.} {\footnotesize We describe }

\footnote{\textsf{2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:} .....
\footnote{\textsf{Keywords:} .... }

\section*{\centerline{1. Introduction}}\setcounter{section}{1}

A groupoid is \emph{medial} if it satisfies the identity $wx\cdot
yz = wy\cdot xz$. A groupoid is \emph{trimedial} if every
subgroupoid generated by $3$ elements is medial.

In \cite{kepka1} it is proved that a quasigroup satisfying the
following three identities must be trimedial.
xx\cdot yz &=& xy\cdot xz \\
yz\cdot xx &=& yx\cdot zx \\
(x\cdot xx)\cdot uv &=& xu \cdot (xx\cdot v)

\noindent The converse is trivial, and so these three identities
characterize trimedial quasigroups. Here, we show that, in fact,
(2) and (3) are sufficient to characterize this variety (as a
subvariety of the variety of quasigroups).

\section*{\centerline{2. Medial quasigroups}}\setcounter{section}{2}

 \begin{theorem}\label{T1} Let $G$ be a quasigroup...

\begin{proof} If $G$ is a quasigroup...

\begin{corollary} Let $G$ be a quasigroup...

\begin{remark} It is only an example. The
paper accepted for publication in our journal must be prepared in
Latex, Amstex or similar style preserving the general convention
presented in this form.

{\bf T. Kepka}, {\em Structure of triabelian quasigroups},
Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. \textbf{17} (1976), no. $2$,


\footnotesize{Full address, for example \\
         Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics\\
         Wroclaw University of Sience and Technology\\
         Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27 \\
         50-370 Wroc{\l}aw\\
E-mail: abc.edu }



在 \begin{document} 之前删除所有 h/f 配置并写入以下代码:

    \fancyhead[CO]{\small Quasigroups~and~Related~Systems ~{\bfseries 30}~(2022), $xx - yy$} 
\fancyhead[CE]{\small A.B. First and C.D.Second Author} 
\fancyhead[RE]{\small Short title} 

对于奇数页和偶数页,您都得到了所需的结果: 在此处输入图片描述

编辑:无论如何我都会添加整个 MWE

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper,twoside]{article}
\usepackage{afterpage}  %


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    \fancyhead[CO]{\small Quasigroups~and~Related~Systems ~{\bfseries 30}~(2022), $xx - yy$} 
\fancyhead[CE]{\small A.B. First and C.D.Second Author} 
\fancyhead[RE]{\small Short title} 

        {\Large \textbf{The full title of the paper}}\\[3mm]
        {\Large\textbf{continue or delete this line}}\\[26pt]
        {\large \textsf{\emph{Author(s) with the full first name }}}
    \textbf{Abstract.} {\footnotesize We describe }
    \footnote{\textsf{2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:} .....
    \footnote{\textsf{Keywords:} .... }
    \section*{\centerline{1. Introduction}}\setcounter{section}{1}
    A groupoid is \emph{medial} if it satisfies the identity $wx\cdot
    yz = wy\cdot xz$. A groupoid is \emph{trimedial} if every
    subgroupoid generated by $3$ elements is medial.
    In \cite{kepka1} it is proved that a quasigroup satisfying the
    following three identities must be trimedial.
        xx\cdot yz &=& xy\cdot xz \\
        yz\cdot xx &=& yx\cdot zx \\
        (x\cdot xx)\cdot uv &=& xu \cdot (xx\cdot v)
    \noindent The converse is trivial, and so these three identities
    characterize trimedial quasigroups. Here, we show that, in fact,
    (2) and (3) are sufficient to characterize this variety (as a
    subvariety of the variety of quasigroups).
    \section*{\centerline{2. Medial quasigroups}}\setcounter{section}{2}
    \begin{theorem}\label{T1} Let $G$ be a quasigroup...
    \begin{proof} If $G$ is a quasigroup...
    \begin{corollary} Let $G$ be a quasigroup...
    \begin{remark} It is only an example. The
        paper accepted for publication in our journal must be prepared in
        Latex, Amstex or similar style preserving the general convention
        presented in this form.
        {\bf T. Kepka}, {\em Structure of triabelian quasigroups},
        Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. \textbf{17} (1976), no. $2$,
    \footnotesize{Full address, for example \\
        Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics\\
        Wroclaw University of Sience and Technology\\
        Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27 \\
        50-370 Wroc{\l}aw\\
        E-mail: abc.edu }
