如何在图片列表中显示 \refstepcounter{figure}

如何在图片列表中显示 \refstepcounter{figure}

这是我的 latex 文档。该图位于表格环境中,该图显示了标题,但没有显示图列表。请问有人能解释我还能做些什么来纠正

  \begin{longtable}{ | m{3cm} | c | m{6cm} | }
   \caption{my.Lboro Analysis}
   \label{tbl:myLboro} \\
    Type by shape & Figure & Attributes \\ 
    \multicolumn{3}{c}{\tablename\ \thetable{} -- Types} \\          
      Type by shape & Figure & Attributes \\
     \multicolumn{3}{c}{Table continuation in next page} \\      

      Applicator brush
      \includegraphics[width=\linewidth, height=30mm]{applicator}
      Figure~\thefigure: Single spiral double stem brush. 
     % \caption{Single spiral double stem brush.}
        \item They are use to apply substance on or to any object.
        \item Handles are made up of Nylon, Acetal, Aluminium, Brass or Stainless steel. 
        \item Fill material consist of Aluminium, Brass, Horse hair or titanium.
        \item They can be single end or double ended brushes.
        \item They are Autoclavable, Static Dissipative or Conductive.
    \\ \hline


设置图形标题后,通过以下方式将标题添加到 LoF








\begin{longtable}{ c c c }
  \caption{Table caption} \\
  First & Second & Third \\
    Figure~\thefigure: Example image A
    \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{\numberline{\thefigure}Example image A}
  \end{minipage} &
    Figure~\thefigure: Example image B
    \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{\numberline{\thefigure}Example image B}
  \end{minipage} &
    Figure~\thefigure: Example image C
    \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{\numberline{\thefigure}Example image C}
  \end{minipage} \\

