如何获得比标准 xcolor 颜色更多的颜色?

如何获得比标准 xcolor 颜色更多的颜色?

我需要的颜色比 xcolor 包的标准颜色还要多。我也尝试过 dvipsnames xcolor 包,但是没有用。每次我尝试用包中的颜色(如 ForestGreen)突出显示文本时,文本都会变黑。我想要一种像图片中的颜色。有人能帮帮我吗?在此处输入图片描述


大卫·卡莱尔和他的包裹颜色属于 graphics-bundle,是 LaTeX 色彩支持的先驱之一。许多其他软件包都以它为基础。

学习彩色文本排版命令的起点可能是David Carlisle 和 LaTeX 项目编写的“图形包中的软件包”中的“3 颜色”部分,通常引用为 grfguide.pdf。类似这样的软件包彩色,也带上那里描述的基本命令。




      \vbox to1cm{\vfill\hbox to 2.5cm{\hfill#2\hfill}\vfill}%



\hrule height 0pt \vskip-4cm

This is how you get colored text:
\verb|\fcolorbox{blue}{yellow}{\textcolor{red}{Test}}|: \fcolorbox{blue}{yellow}{\textcolor{red}{Test}}
\verb|\colorbox{yellow}{\textcolor{red}{Test}}|: \colorbox{yellow}{\textcolor{red}{Test}}
\verb|\textcolor{red}{Test}|: \textcolor{red}{Test}

  {\large These are the colors provided by the option dvipsnames/according to dvips' color.pro:}

Note that when using the package \textbf{color} instead of the package \textbf{xcolor}, besides the option \textbf{dvipsnames}, after \textbf{dvipsnames} you also need to specify the option \textbf{usenames}.
Note that document-classes like \textbf{beamer} and some packages internally load \textbf{xcolor} so that you need to specify options for \textbf{xcolor} already with the directives for loading these document-classes/packages.\\
Otherwise you might get errors about option-clashes and the like where with online-platforms like overleaf you need to view the so-called "raw log" for taking notice. The "raw-log" is the .log-file provided by the LaTeX-compiler itself while the LaTeX-compiler is running and what people asking for .log-file wish to see.

