我尝试使用 a 中的变量\pgfplotsinvokeforeach
。#1 + 1
我无法让工作#1 + 1
0 10000
1 15000
2 10000
3 20000
4 5000
5 0
\begin{axis} [
height = \axisdefaultheight,
width = \textwidth,
xlabel = Channel,
ylabel = Counts,
ymin = 0,
xmin = -5,
xmax = 132,
xtick pos = left,
axis on top,
% Vertical division of each Board [0-7]
\path (current axis.above origin) coordinate (T);
\draw[draw=black!5, name path=line#1] (16*#1-0.5,0) -- (16*#1-0.5,0|-T);
\path[name path=line9] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},0) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax}, 0|-T);
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0,2,4,6,8} {
\addplot [fill=black!5] fill between[of=line#1 and
ybar interval,
x filter/.code=\pgfmathparse{#1-0.5},
fill = black!20] table {data.txt};
0 10000
1 15000
2 10000
3 20000
4 5000
5 0
\begin{axis} [
height = \axisdefaultheight,
width = \textwidth,
xlabel = Channel,
ylabel = Counts,
ymin = 0,
xmin = -5,
xmax = 132,
xtick pos = left,
axis on top,
% Vertical division of each Board [0-7]
\path (current axis.above origin) coordinate (T);
\draw[draw=black!5, name path=line#1] (16*#1-0.5,0) -- (16*#1-0.5,0|-T);
\path[name path=line9] (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},0) -- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax}, 0|-T);
\pgfplotsinvokeforeach{0,2,4,6} {
\addplot [fill=black!5] fill between[of=line#1 and
ybar interval,
x filter/.code=\pgfmathparse{#1-0.5},
fill = black!20] table {data.txt};