

我制作了一些幻灯片,用于在 Beamer 寻找室友/住房;然而,仔细检查后,我发现两个完全相同的块具有不同的间距 - 其中一个具有较大的标题栏,而另一个没有,这使得它们略微不均匀。 这两个块都是用完全相同的模板制作的,并使用两列宽度均匀分割0.5\textwidth。 以下是代码:

% Variableblock styling + bullet point styling:
  \setbeamercolor{block body}{#2}
  \setbeamercolor{block title}{#3}
  \setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=black}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\scriptsize}

% Slide:
\frametitle{Roommate Preferences}
\framesubtitle{What I'm looking for \& Dealbreakers}
I actually don't really want a roommate, but I would be down to have 1-2 housemates to share an apartment.
\begin{variableblock}{What I'm Looking For}{bg=green!10,fg=black}{bg=green!40,fg=black}
\item Friendly/agreeable person.
\item Has some sense of organization and hygiene.
\item Mindful of my circumstances (e.g. don't bring too many people over when I have exams/are sleeping/having an anxiety attack).
\item Be able to talk things out in a civil manner.
\item Someone who I can probably hang out with/study with/talk to.
\item $\uparrow$ Preferably share similar academic interests/major.
\begin{variableblock}{Deal Breakers}{bg=red!10,fg=black}{bg=red!40,fg=black}
\item Drugs/Alcohol/Excessive Partying.
\item Political/Religious views. I've already got my yeehaw neighbor for that.
\item Lack of hygiene/cleanliness in shared spaces. No, I will not be vacuuming the entire room and taking out all the trash for another year.
\item Toxicity/Negativity/Being Inconsiderate/Disregarding Privacy/Boundaries.
\item Being loud/excessive amount of visitors/relationships \& PDA.






% Variableblock styling + bullet point styling:
  \setbeamercolor{block body}{#2}
  \setbeamercolor{block title}{#3}
  \setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=black}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\scriptsize}

% Slide:
\frametitle{Roommate Preferences}
\framesubtitle{What I'm looking for \& Dealbreakers}
I actually don't really want a roommate, but I would be down to have 1-2 housemates to share an apartment.
\begin{variableblock}{What I'm Looking For}{bg=green!10,fg=black}{bg=green!40,fg=black}
\item Friendly/agreeable person.
\item Has some sense of organization and hygiene.
\item Mindful of my circumstances (e.g. don't bring too many people over when I have exams/are sleeping/having an anxiety attack).
\item Be able to talk things out in a civil manner.
\item Someone who I can probably hang out with/study with/talk to.
\item $\uparrow$ Preferably share similar academic interests/major.
\begin{variableblock}{Deal Breakers}{bg=red!10,fg=black}{bg=red!40,fg=black}
\item Drugs/Alcohol/Excessive Partying.
\item Political/Religious views. I've already got my yeehaw neighbor for that.
\item Lack of hygiene/cleanliness in shared spaces. No, I will not be vacuuming the entire room and taking out all the trash for another year.
\item Toxicity/Negativity/Being Inconsiderate/Disregarding Privacy/Boundaries.
\item Being loud/excessive amount of visitors/relationships \& PDA.

\frametitle{Roommate Preferences}
\framesubtitle{What I'm looking for \& Dealbreakers}
I actually don't really want a roommate, but I would be down to have 1-2 housemates to share an apartment.
\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=2, raster equal height=rows, sharp corners, coltitle=black, boxrule=0pt, left=0pt, right=0pt]
\tcbitem[title=What I'm Looking For, colbacktitle=green!40, colback=green!10]
\item Friendly/agreeable person.
\item Has some sense of organization and hygiene.
\item Mindful of my circumstances (e.g. don't bring too many people over when I have exams/are sleeping/having an anxiety attack).
\item Be able to talk things out in a civil manner.
\item Someone who I can probably hang out with/study with/talk to.
\item $\uparrow$ Preferably share similar academic interests/major.
\tcbitem[title=Deal Breakers, colbacktitle=red!40, colback=red!10]
\item Drugs/Alcohol/Excessive Partying.
\item Political/Religious views. I've already got my yeehaw neighbor for that.
\item Lack of hygiene/cleanliness in shared spaces. No, I will not be vacuuming the entire room and taking out all the trash for another year.
\item Toxicity/Negativity/Being Inconsiderate/Disregarding Privacy/Boundaries.
\item Being loud/excessive amount of visitors/relationships \& PDA.



手动添加空格(我觉得好看) 在此处输入图片描述

  \setbeamercolor{block body}{#2}
  \setbeamercolor{block title}{#3}
  \setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=black}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\scriptsize}


% Slide:
\frametitle{Roommate Preferences}
\framesubtitle{What I'm looking for \& Dealbreakers}
I actually don't really want a roommate, but I would be down to have 1-2 housemates to share an apartment.

\begin{variableblock}{What I'm Looking For}{bg=green!10,fg=black}{bg=green!40,fg=black}
\item Friendly/agreeable person.
\item Has some sense of organization and hygiene.
\item Mindful of my circumstances (e.g. don't bring too many people over when I have exams/are sleeping/having an anxiety attack).
\item Be able to talk things out in a civil manner.
\item Someone who I can probably hang out with/study with/talk to.
\item $\uparrow$ Preferably share similar academic interests/major.  
\begin{variableblock}{Deal Breakers}{bg=red!10,fg=black}{bg=red!40,fg=black}
\item Drugs/Alcohol/Excessive Partying.
\item Political/Religious views. I've already got my yeehaw neighbor for that.
\item Lack of hygiene/cleanliness in shared spaces. No, I will not be vacuuming the entire room and taking out all the trash for another year.
\item Toxicity/Negativity/Being Inconsiderate/Disregarding Privacy/Boundaries.
\item Being loud/excessive amount of visitors/relationships \& PDA.  

