

这是一个明确的问题 此版本,我希望表格中的红色区域能够顺利移动到下一页如图

\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}

\rfoot{\textit{Page \thepage\ / \pageref{LastPage}} }%\thepage
\caption{Sample table}

    \heading{\textbf{\makecell{Short\\Column}}} & \heading{\textbf{Medium Column}}  & \heading{\textbf{Long Column}} \\ \hline
ot yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows: - The tables will be put side by side. - The tables will span multiple pages. - On each table,& \blindtext[1]      & ot yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows: - The tables will be put side by side. - The tables will span multiple pages. - On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}). As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to                \\ \hline
    Value       & Text      & This text is too long to fit in one line and is automatically I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in he lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows: - The tables will be put side by side. - The tables will span multiple pages. - On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}). As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all  a  split into three   \\ \hline
    Value       & Text      & have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows: - The tables will be put side by side. - The tables will span multiple pages. - On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}). As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet  \newline
                             have n\newline
                              - 7: items        \\ \hline


正如@user202729 在其评论中提到的,您的表格太长,无法放在一页中,因此您需要使用某种长表格,例如由包定义的表格xltabular




\usepackage{makecell, xltabular}
                     leftmargin = *,
                     label      = $\bullet$ ,
                     before     = \begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth},
                     after      = \end{minipage}


\caption{Sample table}
\label{tab:longtable}   \\
\thead{Short\\Column}   & \thead{Medium\\ Column}   & \thead{Long\\ Column}     \\ 
\caption[]{Sample table (cont.)}\\
\thead{Short\\Column}   & \thead{Medium\\ Column}   & \thead{Long\\ Column}     \\
\multicolumn{3}{r}{\footnotesize\itshape{Continued on the next page}}           \\
%   table body
Not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows:
\item   The tables will be put side by side. 
\item   The tables will span multiple pages. 
\item   On each table,
    & \blindtext[1]      
        &       \begin{tabitemize}
        \item   Not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows:
        \item   The tables will be put side by side. 
        \item   The tables will span multiple pages. 
        \item   On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}).
         As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to                \\
    & Text
        & This text is too long to fit in one line and is automatically I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in he lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows: 
        \item   The tables will be put side by side. 
        \item   The tables will span multiple pages. 
        \item   On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}). 
        As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all  a  split into three   \\
    & Text      
        & have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows: - The tables will be put side by side. - The tables will span multiple pages. - On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}). As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet  \\


附录: 您可以考虑使用tabularray包及其longtblr表。代码更短更简单,但结果(在我看来)更好:


                     leftmargin = *,
                     label      = $\bullet$ ,
                     before     = \begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth},
                     after      = \end{minipage}


  caption = {Sample table},
    label = {longtable},
                  hlines, vlines,
                  colspec = {X[0.2,j] X[0.3,j] X[0.53,j]},
                     rows = {font=\footnotesize},
                   row{1} = {font=\footnotesize\bfseries},
                  measure = vbox
%   column headers
{Short Column}   &     {Medium Column}   &   {Long Column}     \\
%   table body
Not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows:
\item   The tables will be put side by side. 
\item   The tables will span multiple pages. 
\item   On each table,
    & \blindtext[1]      
        &       \begin{tabitemize}
        \item   Not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows:
        \item   The tables will be put side by side. 
        \item   The tables will span multiple pages. 
        \item   On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}).
         As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to                \\
    & Text
        & This text is too long to fit in one line and is automatically I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in he lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows: 
        \item   The tables will be put side by side. 
        \item   The tables will span multiple pages. 
        \item   On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}). 
        As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all  a  split into three   \\
    & Text      
        & have not yet found the solution. The problem is the following: For a business report, the requirement is to report the data in two different tables as follows: - The tables will be put side by side. - The tables will span multiple pages. - On each table, one of the columns will have a wrapping content (e.g. defined as p{4cm}). As a consequence the lines of the two tables will not be aligned, so I cannot use a single table with the column doubled.I have looked in all previously related questions but I have not yet  \\

