\usepackage{capt-of}% or \usepackage{caption}
\chapter{Chapter one}
\begin{tabular}{ l r r r }
Student & Hours/week & Grade \\
Ada Lovelace & 2 & A \\
Linus Thorvalds & 8 & A \\
Bruce Willis & 12 & F \\
Richard Stallman & 10 & B \\
Grace Hopper & 12 & A \\
Alan Turing & 8 & C \\
Bill Gates & 6 & D \\
Steve Jobs & 4 & E \\
\caption{Student Database}
\captionof{figure}{2-D scatterplot of the Student Database}
%% new code:
\usepackage[noabbrev]{cleveref} % optional, for \cref macro
\stepcounter{chapter} % just for this example
\begin{tabular}{@{} l r r @{}}
Student & Hours/week & Grade \\
Ada Lovelace & 2 & A \\
Linus Thorvalds & 8 & A \\
Bruce Willis & 12 & F \\
Richard Stallman & 10 & B \\
Grace Hopper & 12 & A \\
Alan Turing & 8 & C \\
Bill Gates & 6 & D \\
Steve Jobs & 4 & E \\
\caption{Student Database}
\captionof{figure}{2-D scatterplot of the Student Database}
Cross-references to table \ref{table:student} and figure \ref{fig:image}.
Cross-references to \cref{table:student,fig:image}.
\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator{colon}{\color{cyan}: }
\chapter{Chapter one}
\begin{tabular}{ l r r }
Student & Hours/week & Grade \\
Ada Lovelace & 2 & A \\
Linus Thorvalds & 8 & A \\
Bruce Willis & 12 & F \\
Richard Stallman & 10 & B \\
Grace Hopper & 12 & A \\
Alan Turing & 8 & C \\
Bill Gates & 6 & D \\
Steve Jobs & 4 & E \\
\caption{Student Database}
\captionof{figure}{2-D scatterplot of the Student Database}
编辑: 现在标签分隔符具有与标题编号相同的颜色。