\documentclass[border=1mm, tikz]{standalone}
% helper macro to split a string in to a comma separated list
\foreach \n [count=\i] in \firstfactornum {
\node (t\i) at (\i,0) {\n};
\node (t\theumbrellatip) at (\theumbrellatip,0) {$\times$};
\foreach \n [count=\i start from \theumbrellatip] in \secondfactornum {
\node (t\i) at (\i,0) {\n};
\foreach \t [count=\u start from 1] in {2,...,\theumbrellatip} {
\draw (t\u.north) to[out=60, in=120] (t\t.north);
\draw (t1.north) to[out=60, in=120] coordinate (m) (t\theumbrellatip.north);
\draw (m) -- (m |- 0,-20pt) arc (360:150:5pt);
\documentclass[border=1mm, tikz]{standalone}
% helper macro to split a string in to a comma separated list
\foreach \n [count=\i] in \firstfactornum {
\node (t\i) at (\i,0) {\n};
\node (t\theumbrellatip) at (\theumbrellatip,0) {$\times$};
\foreach \n [count=\i start from \theumbrellatip] in \secondfactornum {
\node (t\i) at (\i,0) {\n};
\foreach \t [count=\u start from 1] in {2,...,\theumbrellatip} {
\draw (t\u.north) to[out=60, in=120] (t\t.north);
\draw (t1.north) to[out=60, in=120] coordinate (m) (t\theumbrellatip.north);
\foreach \t [count=\v start from 2] in {3,...,\theumbrellatip} {
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\currenttip}{\v<(\theumbrellatip+1)/2 ? -1 : (\v>(\theumbrellatip+1)/2 ? 1 : 0)}
\draw (t\v.north) to[bend right] (m);
\draw (t\v.north) to[bend left] (m);
\draw (m) -- (m |- 0,-20pt) arc (360:150:5pt);