

一般情况下,两个段落之间会插入一个浮动体,我们会在\par浮动体的上方和下方插入,但是\par可以进行分割。我发现如果只\par在浮动体前面插入 ,排版效果很好,但是如果只在\par浮动体后面插入 ,排版效果不好,而且两个段落之间会产生多余的垂直间距。在浮动体的上方和下方插入 进行分割有什么区别\par,为什么会产生不同的排版效果。


This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph.
This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph.


This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph.
This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph.









This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph.

This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph.






This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph.
This is the first paragraph. This is the first...

This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph.

This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph.
This is the first paragraph. This is the first...

This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph.

可以通过在图前添加段落结尾或注释掉行尾来避免此处在图 2 周围产生的空格,我在%这里用 a 来展示:




This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph.
This is the first paragraph. This is the first...

This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph.

This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph. This is the first paragraph.
This is the first paragraph. This is the first...%

This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph. This is the second paragraph.
