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我发现回答使用“hyperref”引用。我想保留这种特定的引用样式,但希望参考文献的编号为 1、2、...,而不是像输出中那样使用方括号中的文本。也就是说,输出显示“参考文献”列表以 [帖子] 开头,后跟参考文献的名称。但我希望它被编号。有什么方法可以实现它吗?这是我使用这种格式输入的文章的一部分:

\usepackage{authblk, amssymb, setspace}
\usepackage{amsmath, enumitem, pst-node, array, float, caption, graphicx}

\title{\textbf{Post-quantum Cryptography using Entropic Quasigroups}}


\section*{\centerline{1. Introduction}}\setcounter{section}{1}
It is a never-ending race to be one step ahead of adversaries in the pursuit of secure cryptographic algorithms and protocols. 
As quantum computing gains momentum, a number of cryptographic protocols relying on the mathematical concepts of number theory, group and field theory and Boolean algebra have become vulnerable to attacks. 
The focus is therefore shifting towards non-associative and non-commutative algebraic structures that may be able to withstand these attacks. 
In this paper, we discuss one such non-commutative and non-associative algebraic structure known as \emph{entropic} groupoids given in Gligoroski (\cite{Gligoroski1}) satisfying the \emph{palintropic} property which is also a quasigroup. 
Quasigroups have the ability to accommodate many cryptographically suitable properties (non-associativity, polynomial completeness to name a few) and especially, the number of possible quasigroups increases exponentially with an increase in their order, thus providing ample options to a cryptographer to choose the suitable ones for a particular cryptographic scheme (Schafer \cite{Schafer}). Quasigroup operations as in Markovski (\cite{Markovski}) are also useful in defining easy, fast and secure cryptographic functions.\\

\textbf{D. Gligoroski}, {\em Entropoid based cryptography.}, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2021/469, (2021).
\textbf{S. Markovski}, {\em Design of crypto primitives based on quasigroups.}, Quasigroups Related Systems, \textbf{23} (2015), $41 - 90$.
\textbf{R. D. Schafer}, {\em An introduction to nonassociative algebras.}, The Project Gutenberg EBook (2008), EBook $\#$25156.





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\usepackage{authblk, amssymb, setspace}
\usepackage{amsmath, enumitem, pst-node, array, float, caption, graphicx}




\title{Post-quantum Cryptography using Entropic Quasigroups}




It is a never-ending race to be one step ahead of adversaries in the
pursuit of secure cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
As quantum computing gains momentum, a number of cryptographic
protocols relying on the mathematical concepts of number theory, group
and field theory and Boolean algebra have become vulnerable to
The focus is therefore shifting towards non-associative and
non-commutative algebraic structures that may be able to withstand
these attacks.
In this paper, we discuss one such non-commutative and non-associative
algebraic structure known as \emph{entropic} groupoids given in
Gligoroski (\cite{Gligoroski1}) satisfying the \emph{palintropic}
property which is also a quasigroup.
Quasigroups have the ability to accommodate many cryptographically
suitable properties (non-associativity, polynomial completeness to
name a few) and especially, the number of possible quasigroups
increases exponentially with an increase in their order, thus
providing ample options to a cryptographer to choose the suitable ones
for a particular cryptographic scheme (Schafer
\cite{Schafer}). Quasigroup operations as in Markovski
(\cite{Markovski}) are also useful in defining easy, fast and secure
cryptographic functions.

\bibitem[2021a]{Gligoroski1} \textbf{D. Gligoroski}, \emph{Entropoid
  based cryptography}, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2021/469,
\bibitem[2015]{Markovski} \textbf{S. Markovski}, \emph{Design of crypto
  primitives based on quasigroups}, Quasigroups Related Systems,
  \textbf{23} (2015), 41--90.
\bibitem[2008]{Schafer} \textbf{R. D. Schafer}, \emph{An introduction
  to nonassociative algebras}, The Project Gutenberg EBook (2008),
  EBook \#25156.



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