我正在尝试将两个或多个值与一个 SI 注释组合在一起。例如,我想写 2 x 5 mL,而不是 2 mL x 5 mL。我想,正如我之前看到的:我怎样才能得到这样的结果?
\documentclass[pagesize=pdftex, paper=a4, parskip, fontsize=12pt, toc=bibnumbered, captions=tableheading, captions=nooneline, BCOR=5mm, headsepline]{scrbook}
\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}
\sisetup{separate-uncertainty-units=repeat,use-xspace=true, sticky-per=true, range-units=single, range-phrase={\,--\,}, list-units=single, per-mode=power-positive-first, multi-part-units=single, product-units=single}
%a few other packages
I would like to write "\verb|\SI{2x5}{\milli\L}|" to express 2 x 2 mL\\
but the only comment what works so far is:\\
"\verb|\SI{2}{\milli\L}\times\SI{5}{\milli\L}|" but only if you write it in $\SI{2}{\milli\L}\times\SI{5}{\milli\L}$ and you will get 2 mL x 5 mL.