作为锚点和relative positioning
形成线形。我需要对齐两条线的垂直部分(用作文本旁边的方括号),但无法对齐,因为它们基于 s 定义的不同位置tikzmark
。我需要将第 7b-10b 节旁边的垂直线与第 2-7a 节旁边的垂直线对齐。我尝试使用该calc
这是我的 MWE:
\title{Psalm 111}
\begin{poem} %requires the 'poetry' package
\textsuperscript{1}Praise the LORD!\tikzmark{1} \\
I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, \\
\hin In the assembly of the upright and in the congregation. \\
\textsuperscript{2} The works of the LORD are great,\tikzmark{2} \\
\hin Studied by all who have pleasure in them. \\
\textsuperscript{3} His work is honorable and glorious, \\
\hin And His righteousness endures forever. \\
\textsuperscript{4} He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; \\
\hin The LORD is gracious and full of compassion. \\
\textsuperscript{5} He has given food to those who fear Him; \\
\hin He will ever be mindful of His covenant. \\
\textsuperscript{6} He has declared to His people the power of His works, \\
\hin In giving them the heritage of the nations. \\
\textsuperscript{7} The works of His hands are verity and justice;\tikzmark{7a} \\
\hin All His precepts are sure.\tikzmark{7b} \\
\textsuperscript{8} They stand fast forever and ever, \\
\hin And are done in truth and uprightness. \\
\textsuperscript{9} He has sent redemption to His people; \\
\hin He has commanded His covenant forever: \\
\hin \hin \hin Holy and awesome is His name. \\
\textsuperscript{10} The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; \\
\hin A good understanding have all those who do \\
\hin \hin His commandments.\tikzmark{10b} \\
\hin \hin \hin His praise endures forever.\tikzmark{10c} \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\draw [gray] ([xshift=2pt, yshift=2pt]pic cs:2) -- ++(4.5,0) |- ([xshift=2pt, yshift=2pt]pic cs:7a);
\draw [gray] ([xshift=2pt, yshift=2pt]pic cs:7b) -- ++(7.5,0) |- ([xshift=2pt, yshift=2pt]pic cs:10b);