我想知道如何让后面的引用“ (cited on page 1)
这是我的 MWE:
Title = {Philosophia prima sive Ontologia},
Author = {Wolff, Christian von},
Editor = {Jean Ecole},
Publisher = {Olms},
Address = {Hildesheim},
Year = {1962},
Part = {Abt. 2: Lateinische Schriften},
Maintitle = {Gesammelte Werke},
Volume = {3},
langid = {german}
Title = {The title in english},
Author = {Last, Name},
Editor = {Editor Name},
Publisher = {Springer},
Address = {New York},
Year = {1999},
Part = {1},
Maintitle = {The Maintitle},
Volume = {3},
author = {Natarajan, Nagarajan and Singh-Blom, Ulf Martin and Tewari, Ambuj and Woods, John O and Dhillon, Inderjit S and Marcotte, Edward M},
file = {:Users/jwoods/Downloads/Papers/Natarajan2011.pdf:pdf},
journal = {UTCS Technical Report},
title = {{Predicting gene\textendash disease associations using multiple species data.}},
volume = {TR-11-37},
year = {2011},
type = {techreport},
keywords = {Technical Report}}
\chapter{Test Chapter Name}
\lipsum[1] \cite{Wolff1962}
\lipsum[2] \cite{Natarajan2011}
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