对于我的硕士论文,我需要为我的统计模型解决大量变量。由于论文有一些页边距限制,我使用 longtable 将表格有效地分成几页。我对结果很不满意。最后会有一个 MWE 来查看我取得了什么成果,但如果可能的话,我希望有一个更密集和更时尚的解决方案。欢迎任何建议!
\usepackage{geometry}[lmargin = 3 cm,rmargin = 2.5cm,tmargin=2.5cm,bmargin=2.5cm]
Variable name &
Description & Variable type \\ \midrule
id &
the website ID of the athlete. & \textit{factor} \\
%date &
% Date of the the website activity & \textit{POSIXct} \\
% \midrule
distance &
Distance of the training session in km. & \textit{numeric} \\
%mov\_time &
% The moving time feature is defined as the passed time of an activity. the website recognizes this feature in either two ways. If the athlete paused his ride during a %stop manually on the tracking device or if a rider falls under a specific (movement) threshold defined by the website. This threshold is not specified by the website publicly. %& \textit{character} \\ \midrule
elevation &
Amount of meters of the route which contains elevation. & \textit{numeric} \\
%relativeEffort &
% Intensity across sport types. A the website specific metric which tells the athlete how intense his activity (training) was %compared other sports activities. & \textit{numeric} \\
% \midrule
avg\_power\_weig &
Adjusted avg. power of the ride where a the website algorithm corrects possible outliers in the data due to environmental impacts such as terrain, grade, wind and other factors. & \textit{numeric} \\
work\_total &
The sum of watts generated during the rid, expressed in kilojoules(kJ). & \textit{numeric} \\
training\_load &
Indicator for how long an athlete should rest after an activity. Power of a ride is compared to an individual functional threshold power. The latter is defined as the highest power output a road cyclist can preserve in a semisteady state for approximately 60 minutes. & \textit{numeric} \\
intensity &
An indicator to express the level of difficulty of a ride compared to the functional threshhold power. E.g. if the weigh. avg. power was 250W and your FTP 300W the intensity would be 83\%. For short and intensive rides such as sprints values greater than 100\% are possible & \textit{numeric} \\
estAvgPower &
Another estimate of the avg power of an activity generated by the website. No further information about the calculation was found. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_speed &
Average speed of the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
max\_speed &
Max speed of the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_cadence &
Average pedalling rate, average number of revolutions of the crank during the activity. & \textit{numeric} \\
max\_cadence &
Max pedalling rate, maximal number of revolutions of the crank during the activity. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_hearRate &
Average heart rate during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
max\_heartRate &
Max heart rate during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_power &
Average power in watt generated during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
max\_power &
Max power in watt generated during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_calories &
Average calories burned during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_temperature &
Average temperature during the ride. & \textit{numeric}\\
avg\_elap\_time\_sec &
Average elapsed time in seconds during the ride. & \textit{character} \\
age &
The age of the athlete. & \textit{numeric} \\
type &
Categorical variable indicating if an cyclists is either of type 'climber','sprinter' or 'mixed' & \textit{factor} \\
height &
The height of the athlete. \\
season &
Season of the year of the activity : spring, summer, autumn, winter. & \textit{factor} \\
year &
Categorical variable indicating the year of the activity. & \textit{factor} \\
UCI\_points\_weekly &
Indicates the weekly UCI points an athlete had on the in that week of the training activity. & \textit{numeric} \\
%energy\_output &
% An indicator for the amount of work an athlete has done during a ride expressed in kilojoules(KJ). Mixture of how %fast, how much and with how much force an athlete is pedaling. & \textit{numeric} \\
% \midrule
bicycle\_computer\_model &
Model of the bicycle computer. & \textit{factor} \\ \bottomrule
\usepackage{geometry}[lmargin = 3 cm,rmargin = 2.5cm,tmargin=2.5cm,bmargin=2.5cm]
%%% Used in first and second example %%%
%%% Only used in the first example%%%
%%% only used in second example %%%
\caption{caption text} \label{tab:variable_list}\\
\thead[l]{Variable name} &
\thead[l]{Description} &
\thead[l]{Variable\\ type} \\ \hline
\caption[]{caption text - continued from previous page}\\
\thead[l]{Variable name} &
\thead[l]{Description} &
\thead[l]{Variable\\ type} \\ \hline
id &
the website ID of the athlete. & \textit{factor} \\
%date &
% Date of the the website activity & \textit{POSIXct} \\
% \hline
distance &
Distance of the training session in km. & \textit{numeric} \\
%mov\_time &
% The moving time feature is defined as the passed time of an activity. the website recognizes this feature in either two ways. If the athlete paused his ride during a %stop manually on the tracking device or if a rider falls under a specific (movement) threshold defined by the website. This threshold is not specified by the website publicly. %& \textit{character} \\ \hline
elevation &
Amount of meters of the route which contains elevation. & \textit{numeric} \\
%relativeEffort &
% Intensity across sport types. A the website specific metric which tells the athlete how intense his activity (training) was %compared other sports activities. & \textit{numeric} \\
% \hline
avg\_power\_weig &
Adjusted avg. power of the ride where a the website algorithm corrects possible outliers in the data due to environmental impacts such as terrain, grade, wind and other factors. & \textit{numeric} \\
work\_total &
The sum of watts generated during the rid, expressed in kilojoules(kJ). & \textit{numeric} \\
training\_load &
Indicator for how long an athlete should rest after an activity. Power of a ride is compared to an individual functional threshold power. The latter is defined as the highest power output a road cyclist can preserve in a semisteady state for approximately 60 minutes. & \textit{numeric} \\
intensity &
An indicator to express the level of difficulty of a ride compared to the functional threshhold power. E.g. if the weigh. avg. power was 250W and your FTP 300W the intensity would be 83\%. For short and intensive rides such as sprints values greater than 100\% are possible & \textit{numeric} \\
estAvgPower &
Another estimate of the avg power of an activity generated by the website. No further information about the calculation was found. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_speed &
Average speed of the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
max\_speed &
Max speed of the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_cadence &
Average pedalling rate, average number of revolutions of the crank during the activity. & \textit{numeric} \\
max\_cadence &
Max pedalling rate, maximal number of revolutions of the crank during the activity. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_hearRate &
Average heart rate during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
max\_heartRate &
Max heart rate during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_power &
Average power in watt generated during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
max\_power &
Max power in watt generated during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_calories &
Average calories burned during the ride. & \textit{numeric} \\
avg\_temperature &
Average temperature during the ride. & \textit{numeric}\\
avg\_elap\_time\_sec &
Average elapsed time in seconds during the ride. & \textit{character} \\
age &
The age of the athlete. & \textit{numeric} \\
type &
Categorical variable indicating if an cyclists is either of type 'climber','sprinter' or 'mixed' & \textit{factor} \\
height &
The height of the athlete. & \\
season &
Season of the year of the activity : spring, summer, autumn, winter. & \textit{factor} \\
year &
Categorical variable indicating the year of the activity. & \textit{factor} \\
UCI\_points\_weekly &
Indicates the weekly UCI points an athlete had on the in that week of the training activity. & \textit{numeric} \\
%energy\_output &
% An indicator for the amount of work an athlete has done during a ride expressed in kilojoules(KJ). Mixture of how %fast, how much and with how much force an athlete is pedaling. & \textit{numeric} \\
% \hline
bicycle\_computer\_model &
Model of the bicycle computer. & \textit{factor} \\ \hline
\caption{caption text}\label{tab:variable_list}
\thead[l]{\textbf{Variable name} Description}&
\upshape\thead[l]{Variable\\ type} \\
the website ID of the athlete.
& factor \\
Distance of the training session in km.
& numeric \\
Amount of meters of the route which contains elevation.
& numeric \\
Adjusted avg. power of the ride where a the website algorithm corrects possible outliers in the data due to environmental impacts such as terrain, grade, wind and other factors.
& numeric \\
The sum of watts generated during the rid, expressed in kilojoules(kJ).
& numeric \\
Indicator for how long an athlete should rest after an activity. Power of a ride is compared to an individual functional threshold power. The latter is defined as the highest power output a road cyclist can preserve in a semisteady state for approximately 60 minutes.
& numeric \\
An indicator to express the level of difficulty of a ride compared to the functional threshhold power. E.g. if the weigh. avg. power was 250W and your FTP 300W the intensity would be 83\%. For short and intensive rides such as sprints values greater than 100\% are possible
& numeric \\
Another estimate of the avg power of an activity generated by the website. No further information about the calculation was found.
& numeric \\
Average speed of the ride.
& numeric \\
Max speed of the ride.
& numeric \\
Average pedalling rate, average number of revolutions of the crank during the activity.
& numeric \\
Max pedalling rate, maximal number of revolutions of the crank during the activity.
& numeric \\
Average heart rate during the ride.
& numeric \\
Max heart rate during the ride.
& numeric \\
Average power in watt generated during the ride.
& numeric \\
Max power in watt generated during the ride.
& numeric \\
Average calories burned during the ride.
& numeric \\
Average temperature during the ride.
& numeric\\
Average elapsed time in seconds during the ride.
& character \\
The age of the athlete.
& numeric \\
Categorical variable indicating if an cyclists is either of type 'climber','sprinter' or 'mixed'
& factor \\
The height of the athlete. \\
Season of the year of the activity : spring, summer, autumn, winter.
& factor \\
Categorical variable indicating the year of the activity.
& factor \\
Indicates the weekly UCI points an athlete had on the in that week of the training activity.
& numeric \\
Model of the bicycle computer.
& factor \\ \bottomrule
\usepackage{geometry}[lmargin = 3 cm,rmargin = 2.5cm,tmargin=2.5cm,bmargin=2.5cm]
stretch = 1.5,
colspec = {@{}X[0.5,l,m] X[l,m] X[0.25,l,m]@{}},
row{1} = {font=\normalfont},
rowhead = 1,
Variable name &
Description & Variable type \\ \midrule%
id &
the website ID of the athlete. & factor \\
%date &
% Date of the the website activity & {POSIXct} \\
% %\midrule
distance &
Distance of the training session in km. & numeric \\
%mov\_time &
% The moving time feature is defined as the passed time of an activity. the website recognizes this feature in either two ways. If the athlete paused his ride during a %stop manually on the tracking device or if a rider falls under a specific (movement) threshold defined by the website. This threshold is not specified by the website publicly. %& {character} \\ %\midrule
elevation &
Amount of meters of the route which contains elevation. & numeric \\
%relativeEffort &
% Intensity across sport types. A the website specific metric which tells the athlete how intense his activity (training) was %compared other sports activities. & numeric \\
% %\midrule
avg\_power\_weig &
Adjusted avg. power of the ride where a the website algorithm corrects possible outliers in the data due to environmental impacts such as terrain, grade, wind and other factors. & numeric \\
work\_total &
The sum of watts generated during the rid, expressed in kilojoules(kJ). & numeric \\
training\_load &
Indicator for how long an athlete should rest after an activity. Power of a ride is compared to an individual functional threshold power. The latter is defined as the highest power output a road cyclist can preserve in a semisteady state for approximately 60 minutes. & numeric \\
intensity &
An indicator to express the level of difficulty of a ride compared to the functional threshhold power. E.g. if the weigh. avg. power was 250W and your FTP 300W the intensity would be 83\%. For short and intensive rides such as sprints values greater than 100\% are possible & numeric \\
estAvgPower &
Another estimate of the avg power of an activity generated by the website. No further information about the calculation was found. & numeric \\
avg\_speed &
Average speed of the ride. & numeric \\
max\_speed &
Max speed of the ride. & numeric \\
avg\_cadence &
Average pedalling rate, average number of revolutions of the crank during the activity. & numeric \\
max\_cadence &
Max pedalling rate, maximal number of revolutions of the crank during the activity. & numeric \\
avg\_hearRate &
Average heart rate during the ride. & numeric \\
max\_heartRate &
Max heart rate during the ride. & numeric \\
avg\_power &
Average power in watt generated during the ride. & numeric \\
max\_power &
Max power in watt generated during the ride. & numeric \\
avg\_calories &
Average calories burned during the ride. & numeric \\
avg\_temperature &
Average temperature during the ride. & numeric\\
avg\_elap\_time\_sec &
Average elapsed time in seconds during the ride. & {character} \\
age &
The age of the athlete. & numeric \\
type &
Categorical variable indicating if an cyclists is either of type 'climber','sprinter' or 'mixed' & factor \\
height &
The height of the athlete. \\
season &
Season of the year of the activity : spring, summer, autumn, winter. & factor \\
year &
Categorical variable indicating the year of the activity. & factor \\
UCI\_points\_weekly &
Indicates the weekly UCI points an athlete had on the in that week of the training activity. & numeric \\
%energy\_output &
% An indicator for the amount of work an athlete has done during a ride expressed in kilojoules(KJ). Mixture of how %fast, how much and with how much force an athlete is pedaling. & numeric \\
% %\midrule
bicycle\_computer\_model &
Model of the bicycle computer. & factor \\ \bottomrule