删除标题中带星号章节的“第 x 章:”

删除标题中带星号章节的“第 x 章:”


% Page geometry and spacing (same for even and odd pages)
\geometry{left=4cm, right=4cm, top=4cm, bottom=4.5cm}

% Roman page numbers from the beginning of the document

% Switch to Arabic page numbering at the beginning of the first numbered chapter

% Add unnumbered chapters to table of contents and headings

% Dotted line and tighter vertical spacing for chapters in the table of contents
\def\l@chapter#1#2{\@dottedtocline{1}{0em}{1.5em}{\bf #1}{\bf #2}}

% Support for included papers (for compiled PhD theses)

% Allow for two versions of title and authors – full and short

% Headers and footers
    \def\@evenhead{\small\thepage\hfil\textit{\@shortauthor: \@shorttitle}}
    \def\chaptermark##1{\def\ch@ptermark{\chaptername\ \thechapter: ##1}}

对于论文的前半部分(如“前言”等),我使用带星号的章节,结果出现了“第 0 章:”标题。有没有办法重写上面的代码,使我的标题变成



Chapter x: <Title>

