也许您可以使用 xltabular(tabularx 与可变宽度列和 longtable 的组合,允许表格跨页分页,但分页符不会破坏表格单元格)和 p 列,其内容是 -environment,varwidth
进而通过 \raggedleft
% \errorcontextlines=10000
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, xltabular, varwidth, blindtext}
% \narrowragged
% This allows more hyphenation:
% \hyphenpenalty=50
% \exhyphenpenalty=50
% \doublehyphendemerits=50
% This forbids hyphenation:
% \hyphenpenalty=10000
% \exhyphenpenalty=10000
% This will shift lines inside the varwidth to the right:
% \raggedleft
\noindent text \hfill text
% Play with \arraystretch to adjust the vertical distance
% between table-rows:
% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}
% [l] = longtable-property
% {\textwidth} = total width of table is textwidth
% {@{}p{.2\textwidth}XR{.7\textwidth}@{}} = column-specifiers:
% @{} - no horizontal gap at the left of the leftmost-column
% p{.2\textwidth} - a column consisting of \parboxes of width .2\textwidth
% X - a column whose width is calculated so that total width of table is achieved
% R{.7\textwidth} - raggedright-varwidth-column of maximum-width .7\textwidth
% @{} - no horizontal gap at the right of the rightmost-column
$B(x_0, r)$&&the open ball $\{x\in\R^d:|x-x_0|<r\}$\\
$\BUC(E)$&&the space of bounded and uniformly continuous functions on $E\subseteq\R^n$