如何退出 latexmk 构建?

如何退出 latexmk 构建?


? ! Interruption.
? ! Interruption.
? x
! Interruption.
? X
^C! Interruption.
? Exit 
! Interruption.

我尝试过,,,,,,SIGINT但都不起作用 。我必须手动终止该进程。eofxXexitSIGSTOP



我运行latexmk -shell-escape以查看选项是否为--shell-escape-shell-escape,它将我带入此解释构建会话,如上所示。因为我在包含.tex文件的目录中,所以它开始处理它们。


Type <return> to proceed, S to scroll future error messages,
R to run without stopping, Q to run quietly,
I to insert something, E to edit your file,
H for help, X to quit.


您已进入交互模式,*tex 会在出现任何错误时停止,让您有机会纠正错误。据我所知,所有旨在让您远离此模式的选项仅在您进入此模式之前适用。一旦进入此模式,您的选项就很有限,kill -9或者类似情况。

  1. 使用H命令 - 该命令将显示有关遇到的错误的更多详细信息,建议您如何以交互方式修复它。
  2. 使用Ctrl-C- 这将基本上跳到下一个错误;你可能整天都在这里,然后它将从你的目录中的下一个文件开始。
  3. 用来Q安静运行 - 这将安静地运行当前文件的其余部分;您必须反复使用它才能完全退出。
  4. 使用X退出 - 这将退出处理当前文件;您必须反复使用它才能完全退出。



如果你想避免进入此模式,但仍想latexmk从命令行运行,Ubuntu 手册页显示几个选项:

-f     Force latexmk to continue  document  processing  despite  errors.   Normally,  when
       latexmk  detects that LaTeX or another program has found an error which will not be
       resolved by further processing, no further processing is carried out.

       Note: "Further processing" means the running of other programs or the rerunning  of
       latex  (etc)  that  would  be  done  if  no  errors  had  occurred.  If instead, or
       additionally, you want the latex (etc) program not to pause for user input after an
       error, you should arrange this by an option that is passed to the program, e.g., by
       latexmk's option -interaction=nonstopmode.
-quiet Same as -silent

       Run  commands  silently,  i.e.,  with options that reduce the amount of diagnostics
       generated.   For  example,  with  the  default   settings,   the   command   "latex
       -interaction=batchmode" is used for latex.

       See also the -logfilewarninglist and -logfilewarninglist- options.

       Also reduce the number of informational messages that latexmk generates.

       To change the options used to make the commands run silently, you need to configure
       latexmk with changed values of its configuration variables, the relevant ones being
       $bibtex_silent_switch,         $biber_silent_switch,         $dvipdf_silent_switch,
       $dvips_silent_switch,    $latex_silent_switch,    $makeindex_silent_switch,     and

还有一个选项将传递给底层 *tex 引擎,可通过以下showextraoptions选项发现:

-halt-on-error          stop processing at the first error
