

我一直在撰写一篇稿件,准备提交给《物理评论快报》发表。为此,我使用了他们推荐的软件包:REVTeX 4.2e。稿件分为两部分:“主体部分”包含论文的主要讨论内容,“补充部分”包含补充材料。


请参阅 [出版商将插入 URL] 处的补充材料,以了解 [对材料进行简要描述]。


% main.tex
...is given by $E = \gamma mc^2$~\cite{[{See Supplemental Material at }][{ for the derivation of this equation.}]supp}.
% supp is the citation key for the supplemental part. 


author = {},
title = {},
howpublished = "\url{URL_will_be_inserted_by_publisher}",
year = {},
note = " "}


请参阅 URL_will_be_inserted_by_publisher 上的补充材料以了解该等式的推导。



  • 在参考书目文件中,添加一个条目

      note = "See Supplemental Material at
        URL-will-be-inserted-by-publisher for the data
        of the experiments."

    用补充材料的实际内容进行替换the data of the experiments。一旦补充材料有了固定的 URL,就必须替换 URL-will-be-inserted-by-publisher。

  • 在论文中的适当位置,使用 添加普通引用\cite{supp}

这是一个例子,首先是输出,然后是 LaTeX 代码。



% main.tex
The Supplemental Material Instructions by the Physical Review Journals read:
  Authors should ensure that the journal article contains a single
  numbered reference in the reference list using this format:\\\relax
  [20] See Supplemental Material at [URL will be inserted by publisher]
  for [give brief description of material].\\
  and that the reference number is cited in the main text.
So, this means that somewhere in the paper, we reference the
supplemental material~\cite{supp} that we have prepared, like I
just did.  The text ``See Supplemental Material at [URL will be
inserted by publisher] for [give brief description of material]'' goes
into the note-field of the bib entry, see myreferences.bib.

% myreferences.bib
  note = "See Supplemental Material at
    URL-will-be-inserted-by-publisher for the data
    of the experiments."
