Biblatex:将 .bbl 复制到 .tex

Biblatex:将 .bbl 复制到 .tex

我正在尝试将 .bib 文件的内容复制到 .tex 文件中以供最终提交。下面,我使用以下建议Biblatex:向期刊投稿 但这不起作用。我还尝试复制 .bbl 文件,这在使用 bibtex 时有效,但在 biblatex 中无效。


author = {Yemini, Eviatar and Lin, Albert and Nejatbakhsh, Amin and Varol, Erdem and Sun, Ruoxi and Mena, Gonzalo E. and Samuel, Aravinthan D.T. and Paninski, Liam and Venkatachalam, Vivek and Hobert, Oliver},
doi = {},
journal = {Cell},
pages = {272--288.e11},
title = {{NeuroPAL: A multicolor atlas for whole-brain neuronal identification in C. elegans}},
volume = {184},
year = {2021},
addendum = {\\{\color{black}*An experimental approach based on multicolor labeling that enables the matching of cellular identity between structural and functional connectomes.}}


%% encoding

%% Figures and graphics

\usepackage[hyperindex,colorlinks,hyperfootnotes = false,linkcolor=blue,urlcolor=black,citecolor=blue]{hyperref}

%% Math

\usepackage{xpatch}% load the xpatch package
\xpatchbibdriver{online}% patch the online driver:
  {\printfield{entrysubtype}}% replace this line
  {\printfield{entrysubtype}%  with these lines
  {\textbackslash begin\{thebibliography\}\{99\}
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  byeditor = {edited by},
  editor   = {ed},
  editors  = {eds},



    test {\ifentrytype{article}}
    test {\ifentrytype{incollection}}


% reorder date in article

% lowercase prefix





\defbibnote{myprenote}{*Papers of special interest\\
\relax **Papers of outstanding interest}

