下面的例子中,using natbib
package 可以居中显示X
package 却不可以,请问这是为什么?
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& [45] & \cite{ref1} & \cite{ref12} & \cite{ref23} \\
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@article{ref1, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref2, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref3, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref4, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref5, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref6, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref7, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref8, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref9, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref10, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref11, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref12, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref13, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref14, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref15, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref16, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref17, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref18, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref19, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref20, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref21, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref22, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
@article{ref23, author = {Murad A. Abusubaih and Sundous Khamayseh}, title = {Performance of Machine Learning-Based Techniques for Spectrum Sensing in Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks}, journal = {{IEEE} Access}, volume = {10}, pages = {1410--1418}, year = {2022} }
另外, package和package各有什么优缺点呢cite
这是设计使然,并在 cite 包中记录下来
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% already or if there is extra space due to some punctuation, then change
% to one inter-word space.
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\bibitem[zz]{zz} Something that got cited.
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\fbox{\parbox{1cm}{\centering \cite{zz}\\XX}}
\bibitem[zz]{zz} Something that got cited.