那里描述的一些陷阱,我决定创建自己的框架绘制代码,灵感来自这个很好的答案。 它是主要优势与其他解决方案相比,它不会中断文本的正常流动,而是使用 TikZ 的overlay, remember picture
我需要帮助指定框架垂直边距和填充的尺寸(含义类似于 CSS)。
- 框架前的水平框的底部边缘,
- 框架的顶部边缘(由 的位置控制
), - 框架内第一个水平框的顶部边缘,
- 框架内最后一个水平框的底部边缘,
- 框架的底部边缘(由 的位置控制
), - 水平框的顶部边缘紧接着框架之后。
我希望将 (1) 和 (2) 之间的空间量精确地设置为\marginTop
,将 (2) 和 (3) 之间的空间量精确地设置为\paddingTop
,同样地,将 (4) 和 (5) 之间的空间量精确地设置为\paddingBottom
,最后将 (5) 和 (6) 之间的空间量精确地设置为\marginBottom
通过修改环境的代码将两个 s 放置在适当的位置tikzBgFrame
% \usepackage{lua-visual-debug} % only with luaTeX
% --------------------------- %
% START of frame drawing code %
% --------------------------- %
% Colours
% Dimensions
\newcommand{\marginFootnote}{10pt} % how to set this to \skip\footins?
% Auxiliary ifs -- how to get rid of them?
% Get the "real" number of a page
% Count frames
% Redefine footnote to contain a tikzmark
% Things to do at begin of every page
\setupAnchors% Add tikzmarks for the north west, and for the south east corners of the broken frames, taking footnotes into account
\drawContinuedFrame% Draw continued broken frame, if there is one
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\tikzmark{frameNorthWestPage\therealpage}{([xshift=-\paddingHorizontal,yshift=\paddingTop]current page text area.north west)}
\coordinate (tmp1) at ([xshift=\paddingHorizontal,yshift=-\paddingBottom]current page text area.south east);
\iftikzmarkoncurrentpage{footnotemark\therealpage}% footnotes appear on this page
\coordinate (tmp2) at ([yshift=-\paddingBottom+\marginFootnote]pic cs:footnotemark\therealpage);
\tikzmark{frameSouthEastPage\therealpage}{(tmp2 -| tmp1)}
% Frame types enum
% Draw a rectangle with a thick line on the left
\fill[my-purple-very-light,opacity=0.5] (#2) rectangle (#3);
\draw[my-purple, thick] ({#2}) -- ({#2} |- {#3});
% Draw the rectangle in an appropriate place, depending on the situation
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\ifthenelse{#1=\frameUnbroken}{ % the frame is not broken, draw everything
{{pic cs:frameNorthWestPage\therealpage} |- {pic cs:frame#2begin}}
{{pic cs:frame#2end} -| {pic cs:frameSouthEastPage\therealpage}}
\ifthenelse{#1=\frameFirst}{ % draw the first part of a broken frame
{{pic cs:frameNorthWestPage\therealpage} |- {pic cs:frame#2begin}}
{pic cs:frameSouthEastPage\therealpage}
\ifthenelse{#1=\frameMiddle}{ % draw the middle part of a broken frame
{pic cs:frameNorthWestPage\therealpage}
{pic cs:frameSouthEastPage\therealpage}
\ifthenelse{#1=\frameLast}{ % draw the final part of a broken frame
{pic cs:frameNorthWestPage\therealpage}
{{pic cs:frame#2end} -| {pic cs:frameSouthEastPage\therealpage}}
% Main part - an environment for placing frames
\strut\tikzmark{frame\thetikzbgframecounter begin}\par%
\iftikzmarkoncurrentpage{frame\thetikzbgframecounter end}{%
\gdef\frametofinish{\thetikzbgframecounter}% schedule drawing of subsequent parts, handled in \drawContinuedFrame
\par\strut\tikzmark{frame\thetikzbgframecounter end}\par%
% Check whether some frame needs to be continued, draw them in the background
\iftikzmarkoncurrentpage{frame\frametofinish begin}\HasBegintrue\else\HasBeginfalse\fi
\iftikzmarkoncurrentpage{frame\frametofinish end}\HasEndtrue\else\HasEndfalse\fi
\gdef\frametofinish{0} % frame has ended, stop drawing on subsequent pages
% ------------------------- %
% END of frame drawing code %
% ------------------------- %
% Frame drawing test follows
\newcommand{\object}{\par\noindent\tikz[]{\draw (0,0) rectangle (\textwidth-0.4pt,3); \node at (\textwidth/2,1.5) {Content}}\par}
% \ifthenelse{\equal{\token}{\token}}{true}{false}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eleifend mauris vitae consectetur\footnote{This is a footnote.} dapibus. Curabitur sollicitudin quam eget convallis rutrum. Pellentesque pulvinar augue
Another footnote is referenced here\footnote{This is another footnote\dots}, and here\footnote{\dots and the third one.} too.