编辑:我清理了 MWE。
以下是完整的 MWE
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
This is a sample text with a sample footnote.\footnote{This is the footnote text. I would like a space between the footnote marker and the footnote text.}
\makebox[0.7in][r]{\@makefnmark\enspace}\raggedright#1}% changed <<<<<<<<<<
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\makebox[0.7in][r]{\@makefnmark\enspace}\raggedright#1}% changed <<<<<<<<<<
This is a sample text with a sample footnote.\footnote{This is the footnote text. I would like a space between the footnote marker and the footnote text.}
This is a sample text with a sample footnote.\footnote{This another footnote text. I would like a space between the marker and the footnote text.}
\noindent\makebox[0.7in][r]{\@makefnmark\enspace}\parbox{\dimexpr\textwidth-0.7in}{\raggedright#1}}% changed <<<<<<<<<<