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   \title{Cause Related Marketing - Improving Consumer Purchase Intention through better Brand Image}

\author[1]{Aarti Kadyan}

\affil[1]{Assistant professor, University of Delhi}
\affil[*]{Corresponding author: [email protected]} 

   The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between corporate image and purchase intentions of the consumers related to cause marketing. A primary conceptualization was first developed from existing literature on cause related marketing and then validated through empirical research. A questionnaire was then developed on variables such as corporate image and consumer purchase intentions and data was collected from 65 consumers from Delhi and NCR. Further regression analysis was used to find the relationship between the two variables. It was found that consumer purchase intention is dependent on corporate image of the company supporting cause marketing. The study also investigated the relationship between key socio-demographic variables such as age, gender, income and professional status of the consumer and the purchase intention of the consumer. Independent sample t-test and One-way Anova test was performed on the data collected and was found that the above socio-demographic variables do not differ across purchase intentions of the consumer. The key implications of these findings for marketing managers developing cause related marketing strategies were that it is more important to focus on improving the brand and corporate image of the company through cause related marketing campaigns to improve consumer purchase intentions towards the company’s products. Also with a positive corporate image and good cause related campaigns socio demographic variables do not have much impact on the purchase intentions of the consumer.
Keywords: cause-related marketing; consumer behaviour; corporate image; purchase intentions; marketing strategy; marketing communication



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    \title{Cause Related Marketing - Improving Consumer Purchase Intention through better Brand Image}
    \author[1]{Aarti Kadyan}
    \affil[1]{Assistant professor, University of Delhi}
    \affil[*]{Corresponding author: [email protected]} 
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between corporate image and purchase intentions of the consumers related to cause marketing. A primary conceptualization was first developed from existing literature on cause related marketing and then validated through empirical research. A questionnaire was then developed on variables such as corporate image and consumer purchase intentions and data was collected from 65 consumers from Delhi and NCR. Further regression analysis was used to find the relationship between the two variables. It was found that consumer purchase intention is dependent on corporate image of the company supporting cause marketing. The study also investigated the relationship between key socio-demographic variables such as age, gender, income and professional status of the consumer and the purchase intention of the consumer. Independent sample t-test and One-way Anova test was performed on the data collected and was found that the above socio-demographic variables do not differ across purchase intentions of the consumer. The key implications of these findings for marketing managers developing cause related marketing strategies were that it is more important to focus on improving the brand and corporate image of the company through cause related marketing campaigns to improve consumer purchase intentions towards the company’s products. Also with a positive corporate image and good cause related campaigns socio demographic variables do not have much impact on the purchase intentions of the consumer.
        Keywords: cause-related marketing; consumer behaviour; corporate image; purchase intentions; marketing strategy; marketing communication
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