




\makeatletter \renewcommand{\@dotsep}{10000} \makeatother
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{BIODATA OF STUDENT}}

第 1 章 Latex 的编码:

\section{Elliptic Curves}


% Rand Alfaris's modifications to ccw_chithesis.cls 
% (12th Jul 2008)
% Send comments/changes/questions to <[email protected]>.
% NOTE: Be sure to check your margins carefully on your hardcopy!
%       The top/left/right margins specified in lines 481--488 are
%       exactly what the Dissertation Office specifies, but your printer
%       may print documents offset or stretched by a bit.  One tip is to
%       increase the margins by a fudge factor of 0.05-0.1in; another is
%       to redefine TeX's default \hoffset and \voffset to something
%       other than 1in (e.g., \hoffset=0.95in).  If you do either of 
%       class should remain as general-purpose as possible.
%       A more elegant solution for offset pages is to use the results
%       of testpage.tex to specify the printer offsets, either in the
%       config.ps in your TeX distribution, or in ~/.dvipsrc.  See the
%       dvips man page for details.
% Changes:
%   1) Moved Astronomy-specific modifications to their own package.
%   2) Fixed the bug wherein multipage lists of tables and figures were
%      listed in the TOC with the last page instead of the first.
%   3) Added space between multiple footnotes on a page, as per
%      requirements.  Also made footnote continuation separator the
%      width of text.
%   4) Merged some changes from Martin Pergler's modifications of
%      easychithesis.cls, namely: respace title page a bit, make
%      footnote numbers full size, resize math subscripts, add leader
%      dots to TOC chapters.
%   5) Tweaked margins just slightly to give footer more room. 
%   6) Added "tocchapterhead" option.  This will insert the words 
%      "CHAPTER" and "APPENDIX" as headings in the TOC, although the
%      dissertation format doesn't *require* it.
%       Rand's modifications to Craig Wiegert's ccw_chithesis.cls and new hints
%          for formatting the document file.(last updated 26-Jun-2006)
%               1) The acknowledgment environment (as in aastex) has
%                  been changed to invoke \topmatter.
%               2) (moved to astroextras)
%               3) If you want '\\' to force a new line in title then
%                  comment out line 356 and uncomment line 355. Note
%                  however, that this then requires entering the title
%                  in all caps in the document file.
%               4) (moved to astroextras)
%               5) the approval sheet has been add to mutch with upm format
%               6) new designe for the abstract has been add to mutch with upm format 
%  This is a modification of the 
%     easychithesis.cls   Version 1.5   April 5, 1999
%  I (Brad Holden, bph herein) used this for my thesis.  I encountered a
%  few problems when dealing with the Office of Academic
%  Publications so I fixed those in this version.  In the future, 
%  new policies will be enacted so this version will no doubt become
%  obselete as well.
%     myeasychithesis.cls   March 13, 2000
% I (L. Rebull) added a whole bunch of things from aastex.cls file to 
% enable things like deluxetable to work. 
%      myeasychithesis2.cls   July, 2000   
%     ccw_chithesis.cls       Jun 26 2006
% the latest modification is this
%     UPMthesis.cls           Feb 12 2008
% I (Rand Alfaris) modified the style of ccw_chithesis.cls and added new 
% extra things to be included in the thesis to be work on
% UPM requirements.
%     Original Instructions And Hints
% This file provides the LaTeX2e style myeasychithesis for formating
% graduate thesis at the University Putra Malaysia. It was written by
% Rand Alfaris. For an example of its use see the
% file: Randtemplate.tex, and the instructions below.
% Comments or problems should be sent to [email protected]
% Invoking this style:  Start your document with (this is 1.5 spaced)
%   \documentclass{myeasychithesis2}
% You should submit a double-spaced thesis.  So, start with
%   \documentclass[truedoublespace]{myeasychithesis2}
% When printing drafts, you may not want your thesis doublespaced.
% If you use instead:
%   \documentclass[singlespace]{myeasychithesis2}
% or
%   \documentclass[onehalfspace]{myeasychithesis2}
% your thesis will come out single or 3/2 spaced respectively.
% myeasychithesis2 also understands all options understood by report.
% Also the ``double spacing'' provided by this style is not ``true''
% doublespacing as defined by setspace.sty.  Instead, it is the same
% as on the old LaTeX 2.09 thesis style ``chithesis''.  If you want
% ``true'' double spacing, give the option truedoublespace.
% Title Page Information Commands
%    Example Usage:
%       \title{Decimal numbers on cryptography}
%       \author{Rand Q. Alfaris}
%       \department{Mathematics}
%       \division{Pure Mathematics}  (Sciences with an s!)
%       \degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
%       \date{}    
%       \maketitle
% \dedication : Use for a dedication, copyright, or epigraph.
%               Produces a page with no number for the text which follows
%               If you want centering, do it yourself with
%               \begin{center} and \end{center}.
%        Usage:
%           \dedication
%           To... .
% \topmatter : Things like Abstract, Acknowledgments.
%    Usage:
%       \topmatter{Title Of Matter}
%       Use like \chapter, once for each page of matter you want.  Don't
%       use numbered sections within these.  Use \section* instead.
% The abstract environment has been changed to invoke \topmatter.
% The acknowledgment environment has been changed to invoke
% \topmatter, use it like the aastex acknowledgment command but put
% it at beginning of document for a UPM Thesis
% \mainmatter : Signals the start of the document's body.
%    Usage:
%       \mainmatter
%       Use once before the first numbered \chapter.
%  1.  To get appendices, you don't do anything different from a normal
%     report document.  That means, put the command \appendix before
%     you begin your first appendix, then do each appendix with a
%     \chapter command.  Note that if you have only one appendix, it is
%     customary to leave it unnumbered.  Do this with \chapter*.
%  2. If you are having page break problems (which are much more
%     likely in double spacing), use the \pagebreak[n] and
%     \nopagebreak[n] commands to tell LaTeX good and bad 
%     places for page breaks. n=1,2,3 for gradually more
%     emphatic suggestion to LaTeX. n=4 is almost always
%     break page or almost never break page.
%  3. If you are in a rush and don't have time to go through and
%     rework places which generate overfull hboxes (stuff sticking
%     out from right margin), put the command \sloppy before your
%     \begin{document}. LaTeX will not generate overfull hboxes but will
%     stretch spaces more, beyond its usual aesthetic preferences.
%  1.  No support for multi-volume theses.
%  2.  Doesn't work with older versions of setspace.sty
%  3.  Problems with math formulas in chapter headings:
%         a.  Any lowercase letters in the formula are converted to
%         uppercase, e.g. f(x) becomes F(X).   If you really need
%         lowercase math letters in your chapter titles, use the
%         option plainchapterheads (and, if you want, type your
%         chapter titles in ALL CAPS so that the appearance doesn't
%         change).  Note there is no problem
%         for section or subsection headings in either case.
%         b.  Some perfectly reasonable math commands when used in
%         \chapter give the error
%          ``LATEX ERROR: \command  ALLOWED ONLY IN MATH MODE.''
%         The solution to this is to do
%              \newcommand{\mymath}{problem math goes here}
%         and then
%              \chapter{All about \protect\mymath}
%         also, the option plainchapterheads will fix this too.
%  Improvements over older versions:
%  Added in 1.4: Name of the bibiography is now References, to please the
%  thesis office.  If you want to change it back, put
%   \renewcommand{\bibname}{Bibliography}
%  in your TeX file prior to \begin{document}

\ProvidesClass{UPMthesis}[2008/07/12 UPM Thesis Class for


% the following is to organize and to add the word "Page" to the tables of contents (Rand)


% this to organize and to add the words "Table" and "Page" to the list of tables (Rand)


% this to organize and to add the words "Figure" and "Page" to the list of figures (Rand)


% The following options set the UPM of spacing


% Normally, the chapter heads are all uppercase, but sometimes
% this causes problems.  The following option changes
% the chapter heads to small caps instead.


% This option puts "CHAPTER" and "APPENDIX" headings into the TOC.
% LaTeX omits them by default.  (RAND)


% Pass all other options to report.cls.

% It would be better to have the following line next,
% rather than setting the defaults manually, but
% this would break early versions of LaTeX2e

% RAND: Footnote modifications
% Lengthen continuation rule line for footnotes 
% Add spacing between multiple footnotes, but make sure space isn't
% added between rule and notes.  This is a bit of a kludge.
\let\oldfootnoterule = \footnoterule
\renewcommand{\footnoterule}{\kern 0.4\footnotesep\oldfootnoterule\kern-0.4\footnotesep}
% Make footnote numbers in footnotes regular size, as per ``modern practice''
\renewcommand{\@makefntext}[1]{\noindent\makebox[2.5em][r]{\@thefnmark.\ }#1}

% RAND: font size modifications, from Rand Alfaris
% Put it at document start, else some packages may clobber it.
% Dissertation Office says minimum should be 9pt for microfilming, but
% they didn't actually complain about the standard LaTeX sizes (12/8/6)
% that I used previously.  So 8pt isn't too much of a cheat.

% Adjust spacing of document


%     Commands Defined For Use By Thesis Author
% \dedication : Use for a dedication, copyright, or epigraph.
%               Produces a page with no number for the text which follows
%               If you want centering, do it yourself with
%               \begin{center} and \end{center}.
% No copyright in UPM equirments.
% copyright page (if used, should appear directly after title page)
% usage: \makecopyright
%   \if@twocolumn\@restonecoltrue\onecolumn
%   \else \newpage \fi
%   \thispagestyle{empty}%\setcounter{page}{2}%
%%   \addtocounter{page}{1}
%   \null\vfill
%\centerline{   Copyright \copyright\ \number\year\ by \@author }
%\centerline{ All rights reserved }
%   \vskip 15pt\relax
%   \if@restonecol\twocolumn \else \newpage \fi
%   \let\makecopyright=\relax}


% redefinition of abstract environment


% \mainmatter : Signals the start of the document's body.
%    Usage:
%       \mainmatter
%       Use once before the first numbered \chapter.


 %\maketitle :  Makes the UPM dissertation title page.

%  \begin{titlepage}
%    \begin{center}
%      \rule{0in}{0.25in}
%      \vfill
%%      \@title\\
%      \MakeUppercase{\@title}\\
%      \vfill
%      THE FACULTY OF THE DIVISION OF THE \MakeUppercase{\@division}\\
%      \MakeUppercase{\@degree}\\
%      \ \\
%      DEPARTMENT OF \MakeUppercase{\@department}\\
%      \vfill
%      BY\\
%      \MakeUppercase{\@author}\\
%      \vfill
%      \MakeUppercase{\@date}
%      \vspace*{0.45in}
%    \end{center}
%  \end{titlepage}

%     Internal Formatting Commands For This Thesis Style
% Redo commands that make chapter & section headers
        \setlength{\topmargin}{2in}   % really 1.5in, added by bph
                                        % to meet OAP standards
        \normalfont\normalsize\bfseries  %the size of the font of the headers of the chapter
        \etchapterheadstyle{\@chapapp{ \thechapter}}  %  CHAPTER 1 or APPENDIX
        \vskip .5cm \@plus \p@

        \etchapterheadstyle{#1}                       %     TITLE OF CHAPTER
        \setlength{\topmargin}{1.5in}   % back to 1in


        \setlength{\topmargin}{2in}   % really 1.5in, added by bph
                                        % to meet OAP standards
        \etchapterheadstyle{#1}                       %     TITLE OF CHAPTER
        \setlength{\topmargin}{2in}   % back to 1in
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
                                {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
                                {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
                                {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
                                {3.25ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                {3.25ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%

% Change style of printing chapters in TOC to match chapter headings.

  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
\setcounter{tocdepth}{2} %   
    \vskip .1cm \@plus \p@ %{the v-distance between the headings in the contents}
    \setlength\@tempdima{1.5em}% %{the distance between the number of the chapter and its title}
           \parindent\z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
            \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
      \advance \leftskip \@tempdima 
      \hskip  -\leftskip 
% CCW: The following 3 lines add dots to the chapter TOC listings
        \mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
      \hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par

% Add "CHAPTER"/"APPENDIX" headings to TOC before first of each.
% If you want these words to be a bit bigger, remove "\normalsize" 
% from the definition below.  If you want the words to be bold, 
% remove "\mdseries". (CCW)

\let\old@chapter = \@chapter

% Change names of table of contents and bibliography

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}

% Change the margins to fit requirements

\setlength{\topmargin}{0cm}   % really 1in
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{1.4cm}  % really 1.5in
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.5in}  % really 1.5in

% Changing where the page numbers go on pages that aren't the first
% page of a chapter.


%Rand: located the page number in the bottom center of the page

\def\@oddfoot{\hss\thepage\hss} \def\@evenfoot{\hss\thepage\hss}
\let\@oddhead\@empty \let\@evenhead\@empty 

% Make the table of contents, etc.,  single spaced
% bph added lists of tables/figures to table of contents.
% CCW fixed bug where multipage LOT/LOF were listed in TOC with wrong
% page number.

\let\oldtableofcontents = \tableofcontents

\let\oldlistoftables = \listoftables
    % This works b/c multiple \newpage's are treated as one
    \let\oldcaption = \caption
      % \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}%
    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{List of Tables}}

\let\oldlistoffigures = \listoffigures
    % This works b/c multiple \newpage's are treated as one
    \let\oldcaption = \caption
%            \addtocontents{lof}{\addvspace{2cm}}

    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\textbf{List of Figures}}

\newenvironment{proof} {\noindent{\bf Proof:} \\ \noindent}

% End of File

