This is just some \tcbox[enhanced,colback=green!25]{text that} I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again.
\tikzset{mynode/.style={inner sep=2pt,fill=cyan!50,draw=blue,line width=1pt,rounded corners}}
This is just some \tikzmarknode[mynode]{A}{text that} I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again.
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\draw[->,line width=1pt,blue] (A) --++ (1,1) node[above right] {your comment here};
\newtcbox{\mybox}[1][]{nobeforeafter,tcbox raise base, top=0.2pt,bottom=0.2pt,left=0.1pt,right=0.1pt,before upper=\strut,#1}
This is just some \mybox{is} \mybox{another}.
This is just some \mybox[enhanced,colback=green!25]{text that} I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again. This is just some text that I will repeat for this section again and again.