更新后 Biber 无法与 Biblatex 配合使用 - Mac OS/MikTex/TexStudio

更新后 Biber 无法与 Biblatex 配合使用 - Mac OS/MikTex/TexStudio

我已经更新了所有的 Latex 软件,但基本上什么都不起作用。

软件版本为:TeXstudio 4.2.1(git 4.2.1);使用 Qt 版本 6.2.2,用 Qt 6.2.2 R 编译;MiKTeX 22.1;Mac OS Monterey 12.2.1;

到目前为止,我已尝试删除所有应用程序、相关目录和文件 + 全新安装。MikTex 的管理员 \ 用户版本没有任何区别。在用户或管理员级别更新 MikTex 也无济于事。

    Process started: biber "business report"
    INFO - This is Biber 2.16
    INFO - Logfile is 'business report.blg'
    INFO - Reading 'business report.bcf'
    ERROR - Error: Found biblatex control file version 3.8, expected version 3.7.
    This means that your biber (2.16) and biblatex (3.17) versions are incompatible.
    See compat matrix in biblatex or biber PDF documentation.
    INFO - ERRORS: 1
    Process exited with error(s)

        miktex-mf: MiKTeX encountered an internal error. miktex-mf: Data: path="Oenology/Latex/Business report" Sorry, but miktex-mf did not succeed. libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type MiKTeX::Core::MiKTeXException: /Users/mik/work3/MiKTeX/mik
    tex/Libraries/MiKTeX/App/app.cpp:1138: internal error
    Sorry, but miktex-makepk did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: /Users/AN/Library/Application Support/MiKTeX/texmfs/data/miktex/log/miktex-makepk.log
    Process exited with error(s)

miktex-mf: MiKTeX encountered an internal error. miktex-mf: Data
: path="Oenology/Latex/Business report" Sorry, but miktex-mf did not succeed. libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type MiKTeX::Core::MiKTeXException: /Users/mik/work3/MiKTeX/mik
tex/Libraries/MiKTeX/App/app.cpp:1138: internal error

Sorry, but miktex-makepk did not succeed. The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again: /Users/AN/Library/Application Support/MiKTeX/texmfs/data/miktex/log/miktex-makepk.log
Process exited with error(s)


2022-02-20 02:39:14,685Z INFO  miktex-makepk - this process (1096) finishes with exit code 1
2022-02-20 02:39:19,263Z INFO  miktex-makepk - this process (1103) started by miktex-pdftex in directory /Users/AN/BSc Viticulture:Oenology/Latex/Business report with command line: miktex-makepk --enable-installer --verbose ecti1000 600 600 magstep(0.0)
2022-02-20 02:39:19,264Z INFO  makepk - Trying to make PK font ecti1000 at 600 DPI...
2022-02-20 02:39:19,265Z INFO  makepk - The METFAONT mode is: ljfour
2022-02-20 02:39:19,266Z INFO  makepk - Creating ecti1000.pk...
2022-02-20 02:39:19,266Z INFO  makepk - Running miktex-mf...
2022-02-20 02:39:19,266Z INFO  makepk - running: miktex-mf --miktex-enable-installer --miktex-disable-maintenance --miktex-disable-diagnose --undump=mf \mode:=ljfour; \mag:=magstep(0.0); nonstopmode; "input ecti1000"
2022-02-20 02:39:19,310Z INFO  miktex-makepk.core - forking...
2022-02-20 02:39:19,373Z FATAL miktex-makepk - The application file miktex-mf could not be started.
2022-02-20 02:39:19,373Z FATAL miktex-makepk - The application file miktex-mf could not be started.
2022-02-20 02:39:19,373Z FATAL miktex-makepk - Info: 
2022-02-20 02:39:19,373Z FATAL miktex-makepk - Source: 
2022-02-20 02:39:19,373Z FATAL miktex-makepk - Line: 0
2022-02-20 02:39:19,376Z INFO  miktex-makepk - this process (1103) finishes with exit code 1
