我尝试在下面运行,但一直出现以下错误。如果您发现任何问题,请告诉我。从 U \times F 出来的箭头似乎是问题所在,因为如果没有这些箭头,图表运行良好,但无论是否带有标签,放入其中任何一个都会让我出错。
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=scriptsize]
E' \arrow[r, "\tilde f"] \arrow[d, "\pi'"] & E \arrow[d, "\pi"] && U \times F \arrow[l, "\phi^{-1}"] \arrow[dl, "\pr"] \arrow[r, "\pr_2"] &&&F \\
X' \arrow[r, "f"] & X && {} &&& {}
Overfull \hbox (12.25192pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 37--38
[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 We see im-me-di-ately that each col-umn is or-thog-o-nal to $
(\OML/cmm/m/it/10 x[]; [] ; x[]; []\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 )$
[2] [3] [4]
! Package pgf Error: No shape named `tikz@f@2-1-3' is known.
See the pgf package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help
l.70 I think the culprit is a tikzcd arrow in cell 1-4.
\errmessage ...currentrow -\tikzcd@currentcolumn }
l.72 \end{tikzcd}
\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
\begin{tikzcd}[nodes in empty cells]
E' \arrow[r, "\tilde f"] \arrow[d, "\pi'"] & E \arrow[d, "\pi"] & & U \times F \arrow[l, "\phi^{-1}"] \arrow[dl, "pr"] \arrow[r, "pr_2"] & & & F\\
X' \arrow[r, "f"] & X & & & & &
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=large]
E' \arrow[r, "\tilde f"] \arrow[d, "\pi'"] &
E \arrow[d, "\pi"] &
U \times F \arrow[l, "\phi^{-1}"'] \arrow[dl, "\pr"] \arrow[r, "\pr_2"] &
F \\
X' \arrow[r, "f"] & X