控制 tabularx 中 itemize 的垂直填充

控制 tabularx 中 itemize 的垂直填充

我在控制 tabularx 中的垂直间距时遇到了一个小挑战。如下所示,只有在使用 itemize 时(也许还有其他情况\begin{} \end{}),顶部和底部的填充才会显得更多。我已使用 itemize 删除了所有垂直分隔符,nosep如下面 tabularx 外部的示例中所示。所以我猜这是 tabularx 中发生的事情。





  %{\setlength{\extrarowheight}{0pt}             % doesn't work
  %\setcellgapes{0pt}                            % doesn't work either
  %\makegapedcells                               % ditto
    Col 1 & Col 2\\
    \multicolumn{2}{|>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax}X|}{Note the vertical space above and below this cell.}\\
      \item The first item in itemize, note the vertical space above this. A bit more to show.
      \item The second item in itemize, note the vertical space below this.
    \item The first item in itemize, note the vertical space above this. A bit more to show.
    \item The second item in itemize, note the vertical space below this.



enumitem包提供了选项before=...after=...来控制列表本身之前和之后的内容。可以使用这些选项将列表包含在 中minipage;这很有用,因为默认情况下, a 上方和下方的任何空格填充minipage都会自动消除。




\noindent % <-- important
    Col 0 & Col 1 & Col 2\\
    abcxyz & 
    Note the vertical space above and below this cell.}\\
    abcxyz & 
                    before={\begin{minipage}{\hsize}}, % <-- new
                    after={\end{minipage}}             % <-- new
      \item The first item in itemize, note the vertical space above this. 
            A bit more to show.
      \item The second item in itemize, note the vertical space below this.
    abcxyz & 
                    before={\begin{minipage}[t]{\hsize}}, % <-- with "[t]"
                    after={\end{minipage}}%               % <-- new
      \item The first item in itemize, note the vertical space above this. 
            A bit more to show.
      \item The second item in itemize, note the vertical space below this.
    \item The first item in itemize, note the vertical space above this. A bit more to show.
    \item The second item in itemize, note the vertical space below this.
  \begin{itemize}[nosep,align=left,leftmargin=*] % note use of "\strut" directives
    \item \strut The first item in itemize, note the vertical space above this. A bit more to show.
    \item The second item in itemize, note the vertical space below this.\strut

