
Here is the code written for the same, I've also attached the image of the output. Please suggest the necessary changes.

\documentclass[landscape, 12pt]{article}
    \usepackage[table, svgnames, dvipsnames]{xcolor}
    \usepackage[a4paper, landscape, margin=1cm,]{geometry}
    \usepackage{makecell, cellspace, caption}
            \begin{longtable}{| L {5 cm} | L{4cm} | L{5cm} | L{2.5cm} | L{1.5cm} | L{2cm} |}
                \makecell{Source of \\ information \\ (reference) 
      } & \makecell{Method of  \\ identification}  & \makecell{The consumer’s strengths \\ to address these issues.} & \makecell{Consumer \\ and Nursing \\ Interventions} & \makecell{Person/s \\ Responsible} & \makecell{Timeframe}\\
      “A Novel Event Detection \\ Method Using PMU Data \\ with High Precision”\\ by Mingjian Cui,\\ Jianhui Wang, Jin Tan,\\ Anthony R. Florita, and \\ Yingchen Zhang, published \\ in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON \\POWER SYSTEMS, 2018
     & This paper develops a new method of event detection using dynamic programming-based SDT (DPSDT) and compares it with the Wavelet-based event detection (WED) technique. It gives the complete algorithm of the DPSDT technique and compares various events it could detect with sufficient graphs and figures.
     & a.To reduce dimensionality of original streaming PMU data, islanding detection,
     b.compress critical disturbance info of PMU 
    c. locate power system event, 
    d. to select the best set of features of the disturbance types in the time-frequency domain, 
    e. discrete samples of collected PMU data, 
    f. assess the power system disturbance by using wide-area post disturbance records
    to identify events and characterize their features.
     & 1.PMU
     and smart meter
      30-120 times per sec





\usepackage[table, svgnames, dvipsnames]{xcolor}
\usepackage[a4paper, landscape, margin=1cm,]{geometry}

\usepackage{makecell, cellspace, caption}


\begin{longtable}{| L{5cm} | L{4cm} | L{5cm} | L{2.5cm} | L{2cm} | L{2cm} |}
\makecell{Source of \\ information \\ (reference) } & 
\makecell{Method of  \\ identification} & 
\makecell{The consumer’s strengths \\ to address these issues.} & 
\makecell{Consumer \\ and Nursing \\ Interventions} & 
\makecell{Person/s \\ Responsible} & 

“A Novel Event Detection Method Using PMU Data with High Precision,” by Mingjian Cui, Jianhui Wang, Jin Tan, Anthony R. Florita, and Yingchen Zhang, published in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018

& This paper develops a new method of event detection using dynamic programming-based SDT (DPSDT) and compares it with the Wavelet-based event detection (WED) technique. It gives the complete algorithm of the DPSDT technique and compares various events it could detect with sufficient graphs and figures.

& \begin{myenumerate}
\item \strut To reduce dimensionality of original streaming PMU data, islanding detection,
\item compress critical disturbance info of PMU 
\item locate power system event, 
\item to select the best set of features of the disturbance types in the time-frequency domain, 
\item discrete samples of collected PMU data, 
\item assess the power system disturbance by using wide-area post disturbance records to identify events and characterize their features.\strut

 & 1.~PMU

   2.~PMU and smart meter, 30--120 times per sec
 & &



对于 OP 来说可能有点晚了,但对其他人来说可能会有帮助......



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Source of information (reference)
    &   Method of identification   
        &   The consumer’s strengths to address these issues. 
            &   Consumer and Nursing Interventions 
                &   Person/s Responsible 
                    &   Timeframe       \\
“A Novel Event Detection Method Using PMU Data with High Precision” by Mingjian Cui, Jianhui Wang, Jin Tan, Anthony R. Florita, and  Yingchen Zhang, published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, 2018
    &   This paper develops a new method of event detection using dynamic programming-based SDT (DPSDT) and compares it with the Wavelet-based event detection (WED) technique. It gives the complete algorithm of the DPSDT technique and compares various events it could detect with sufficient graphs and figures.
        &   \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.] 
        \item   To reduce dimensionality of original streaming PMU data, islanding detection,
        \item   compress critical disturbance info of PMU
        \item   locate power system event,
        \item   to select the best set of features of the disturbance types in the time-frequency domain,
        \item   discrete samples of collected PMU data,
        \item   assess the power system disturbance by using wide-area post disturbance records
        to identify events and characterize their features.
            &   \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*.]
            \item   PMU
            \item   PMU and smart meter 30-120 times per sec
                &   &   \\
“A Novel Event Detection Method Using PMU Data with High Precision” by Mingjian Cui, Jianhui Wang, Jin Tan, Anthony R. Florita, and  Yingchen Zhang, published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, 2018
    &   This paper develops a new method of event detection using dynamic programming-based SDT (DPSDT) and compares it with the Wavelet-based event detection (WED) technique. It gives the complete algorithm of the DPSDT technique and compares various events it could detect with sufficient graphs and figures.
        &   \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
        \item   To reduce dimensionality of original streaming PMU data, islanding detection,
        \item   compress critical disturbance info of PMU
        \item   locate power system event,
        \item   to select the best set of features of the disturbance types in the time-frequency domain,
        \item   discrete samples of collected PMU data,
        \item   assess the power system disturbance by using wide-area post disturbance records
        to identify events and characterize their features.
            &   \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*.]
            \item   PMU
            \item   PMU and smart meter 30-120 times per sec
                &   &   \\
“A Novel Event Detection Method Using PMU Data with High Precision” by Mingjian Cui, Jianhui Wang, Jin Tan, Anthony R. Florita, and  Yingchen Zhang, published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, 2018
    &   This paper develops a new method of event detection using dynamic programming-based SDT (DPSDT) and compares it with the Wavelet-based event detection (WED) technique. It gives the complete algorithm of the DPSDT technique and compares various events it could detect with sufficient graphs and figures.
        &   \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
        \item   To reduce dimensionality of original streaming PMU data, islanding detection,
        \item   compress critical disturbance info of PMU
        \item   locate power system event,
        \item   to select the best set of features of the disturbance types in the time-frequency domain,
        \item   discrete samples of collected PMU data,
        \item   assess the power system disturbance by using wide-area post disturbance records
        to identify events and characterize their features.
            &   \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*.]
            \item   PMU
            \item   PMU and smart meter 30-120 times per sec
                &   &   \\
“A Novel Event Detection Method Using PMU Data with High Precision” by Mingjian Cui, Jianhui Wang, Jin Tan, Anthony R. Florita, and  Yingchen Zhang, published in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, 2018
    &   This paper develops a new method of event detection using dynamic programming-based SDT (DPSDT) and compares it with the Wavelet-based event detection (WED) technique. It gives the complete algorithm of the DPSDT technique and compares various events it could detect with sufficient graphs and figures.
        &   \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*.]
        \item   To reduce dimensionality of original streaming PMU data, islanding detection,
        \item   compress critical disturbance info of PMU
        \item   locate power system event,
        \item   to select the best set of features of the disturbance types in the time-frequency domain,
        \item   discrete samples of collected PMU data,
        \item   assess the power system disturbance by using wide-area post disturbance records
        to identify events and characterize their features.
            &   \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*.]
            \item   PMU
            \item   PMU and smart meter 30-120 times per sec
                &   &   \\
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