使用 TikZ:
(Ex. 2)
\matrix[matrix of nodes,
column sep=10pt] (m)
{72&10&C&DT&P 5\\};
below right=5pt of m-1-5.south east] (node5) {Tolerance class code\\ (class 5)};
below right=35pt and 0pt of m-1-4.south east] (node4) {Matched pair or stack code\\(tandem arrangement)};
below right=65pt and 0pt of m-1-3.south east] (node3) {Contact angle code\\(nominal contact angle, 15°)};
below right=95pt and 0pt of m-1-2.south east] (node2) {Bore diameter number\\(nominal bore diameter, 50 mm)};
below right=125pt and 0pt of m-1-1.south east] (node1) {Bearing series code\\$\left[\text{\makecell[l]{single-row angular contact\\ ball bearing of dimension series 02}}\right]$};
\foreach \ind in {1,2,...,5}{
\draw (m-1-\ind.south west) -- (m-1-\ind.south east);
\draw (m-1-\ind) |- (node\ind);