

我正在使用 Springer 的新自然课程,可在此链接

我无法弄清楚引用是如何工作的,目前我总是收到错误,提示它们未定义。我创建了一个可重现的示例,非常感谢任何帮助。我使用 PdfLaTex 构建文件,但其他引擎也不工作。


%%\documentclass[referee,sn-basic]{sn-jnl}% referee option is meant for double line spacing

%% to print line numbers in the margin use lineno option %%

%%\documentclass[lineno,sn-basic]{sn-jnl}% Basic Springer Nature Reference Style/Chemistry Reference Style

%% to compile with pdflatex/xelatex use pdflatex option %%

%%\documentclass[pdflatex,sn-basic]{sn-jnl}% Basic Springer Nature Reference Style/Chemistry Reference Style

%%\documentclass[sn-basic]{sn-jnl}% Basic Springer Nature Reference Style/Chemistry Reference Style
%%\documentclass[sn-mathphys]{sn-jnl}% Math and Physical Sciences Reference Style
%%\documentclass[sn-aps]{sn-jnl}% American Physical Society (APS) Reference Style
%%\documentclass[sn-vancouver]{sn-jnl}% Vancouver Reference Style
%%\documentclass[sn-apa]{sn-jnl}% APA Reference Style
\documentclass[sn-chicago]{sn-jnl}% Chicago-based Humanities Reference Style
%%\documentclass[sn-standardnature]{sn-jnl}% Standard Nature Portfolio Reference Style
%%\documentclass[default]{sn-jnl}% Default
%%\documentclass[default,iicol]{sn-jnl}% Default with double column layout

%%%% Standard Packages
%%<additional latex packages if required can be included here>

\graphicspath{ {./figures/} }




%% as per the requirement new theorem styles can be included as shown below
\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}%  meant for continuous numbers
%%\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]% meant for sectionwise numbers
%% optional argument [theorem] produces theorem numbering sequence instead of independent numbers for Proposition
%%\newtheorem{proposition}{Proposition}% to get separate numbers for theorem and proposition etc.



%%\unnumbered% uncomment this for unnumbered level heads


\title[Some Title]{Some Title}

\subtitle{Some Subtitle}

\author*[1]{\fnm{My} \sur{Name}}\email{[email protected]}

\affil*[1]{\orgdiv{Org}, \orgname{Uni}, \orgaddress{\street{Street}, \city{City}, \postcode{00000}, \country{Neverland}}}

%% sample for unstructured abstract %%

\abstract{The paper abstract would come here}

\keywords{Random, Key, Words}



As previous literature has shown \citep[][]{hutter_2014, aelst_walgrave_2001}.

\bibliography{bibliography.bib}% common bib file
%% if required, the content of .bbl file can be included here once bbl is generated
%%\input sn-article.bbl

%% Default %%
%%\input sn-sample-bib.tex%


这是 bibliography.bib:

    address = "Minneapolis",
    title = "Protesting Culture and Economics in Western Europe",
    publisher = "University of Minnesota Press",
    author = "Hutter, Swen",
    year = "2014"}
    title = "Who is that (wo)man in the street? From the normalisation of protest to the normalisation of the protester",
    volume = "39",
    shorttitle = "Who is that (wo)man in the street?",
    number = "4",
    journal = "European Journal of Political Research",
    author = "Aelst, Peter Van and Walgrave, Stefaan",
    year = "2001",
    pages = "461--486"}




