其中,他们提到\KL、\IS、\CT 和 \IT 命令分别用于主题演讲、受邀演讲者、贡献演讲和受邀演讲。
在我提到的研讨会中,我计划将上述命令更改为 \F、\PD、\PhD、\IPhD 命令,用于教职人员演讲、博士后演讲、博士生演讲、IPhD 学生演讲。因此,在我下载的 zip 文件夹中,有一个名为 conferencebooklet.cls 的文件
我在那里做了一些更改,将 \KL、\IS、\CT 和 \IT 分别替换为 \F、\PD、\PhD、\IPhD。但是,即使在进行此更改之后,当我运行时,我仍然会得到 KL、IS、CT、IT。
请参阅下面提到的 .cls 文件
% Conference Booklet
% Structural Definitions
% Version 1.0 (24/11/2019)
% This template originates from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Maxime Lucas ([email protected])
% Pau Clusella
% Modifications for LaTeX Templates by Vel ([email protected])
% License:
% GNU General Public License v3.0
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% Table colours
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% Talk types colours
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\newcommand{\ITcolor}{yellow!25} % Invited talk
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%***************************************************************** added <<<<<<<<<<<<<
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\newcommand{\IPhD}[4]{#1 & \cellcolor{\IPhDcolor}IPhD & {\bfseries#2}\newline #3 & & #4 \\ \hline} % Student talk row
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% Talk types colours
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\newcommand{\PDcolor}{red!40} % PostDoc
\newcommand{\PhDcolor}{orange!35} % PhD
\newcommand{\IPhDcolor}{green!25} % Student
% ***************************************************************************************************************
PhD: PhD student talk, PD: Postdoc talk, F: Faculty talk, IPhD: student talk.
\section{Tuesday, 20 of March}
\begin{longtable}{|C{0.15\linewidth}| C{0.07\linewidth}| C{0.3\linewidth} C{0.0\linewidth} C{0.4\linewidth}|}% changed second column width <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\tablebreak{9:00--9:10}{Welcome remarks}
\F{9:10--10:05}{Leon Tremblay}{Montreal, Canada}{Title of a Faculty talk}
\PhD{10:05--10:30}{Marc Fournier}{Brussels, Belgium}{Title of PhD talk}
\PD{11:00--11:40}{Hiroya Sato}{Tokyo, Japan}{Title of Postdoc talk}
\PhD{11:40--12:45}{Marc Smith}{Brussels, Belgium}{Title of PhD talk with math and paragraphs}
\PhD{14:00--14:30}{Marc Rodriguez}{Barcelona, Spain}{Title of PhD talk with math and references}
\PD{14:30--15:05}{Hiroya Sato}{Tokyo, Japan}{Title of Postdoc talk}
\PhD{15:30-16:00}{Marc Jansen}{Amsterdam, The Netherlands}{Title of PhD talk and references and a figure}
\IPhD{16:00-17:10}{Alberto Dupont}{Madrid, Spain}{Title of student talk}
\eventtype{17:10--19:30}{Poster session with Wine \& Cheese}
\abstract\chapter{List of Abstracts -- Talks}
\section{Tuesday 20th}
{Title of a Faculty talk} % Title
{L. Tremblay} % Author(s)
{\Ftag} % Tag, can be: empty, \Ftag (Faculty talk), \PDtag (Postdoc talk), \PhDtag (PhD talk) or \IPhDtag (student talk)
{McGill University, Montreal, Canada} % Affiliation(s)
{Let us suppose that the noumena have nothing to do
with necessity, since knowledge of the Categories is a
posteriori. } % Abstract text
{Title of PhD s talk} % Title
{\underline{M. Fournier}$^{1}$, D. Dupont$^{1,2,3}$} % Author(s)
{\PhDtag} % Tag, can be: empty, \Ftag (Faculty talk), \PDtag (Postdoc talk), \PhDtag (PhD student talk) or \IPhDtag (student talk)
{$^1$ Physics Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium\\ $^2$ Physics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK\\ $^3$ CSDC, University of Florence, Florence, Italy} % Affiliation(s)
{Let us suppose that the noumena have nothing to do
with necessity, since knowledge of the Categories is a
posteriori.} % Abstract text
{Title of Postdoc talk} % Title
{H. Sato} % Author(s)
{\PDtag} % Tag, can be: empty, \Ftag (Faculty talk), \PDtag (Postdoc talk), \PhDtag (PhD student talk) or \IPhDtag (student talk)
{Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan} % Affiliation(s)
{Let us suppose that the noumena have nothing to do
with necessity, since knowledge of the Categories is a
posteriori. } % Abstract text
{Title of PhD talk with math and paragraphs} % Title
{\underline{M. Smith}$^{1}$, D. Dupont$^{1,2,3}$} % Author(s)
{} % Tag, can be: empty, \Ftag (Faculty talk), \PDtag (Postdoc talk), \PhDtag (PhD student talk) or \IPhDtag (student talk)
{$^1$ Physics Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium\\ $^2$ Physics Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK\\ $^3$ CSDC, University of Florence, Florence, Italy} % Affiliation(s)
{Let us suppose that the noumena have nothing to do
with necessity, since knowledge of the Categories is a
posteriori.} % Abstract text