%\usepackage{etoolbox} %NEW
% goals
%%% PercentWithDecimal %%%
% turns a value into a percent with the specified number of digits after the decimal point
% input 1 - the number to be rounded
% input 2 - the number of digits after the decimal point
\begin{tikzpicture}{h}% normal goal
% draw line
\draw[line width=5pt, RYGred](0,0) -- (14,0); % not meeting goal
\draw[line width=5pt, RYGyellow](14*\NormalGoal,0) -- (14,0); % warning zone
\draw[line width=5pt, RYGgreen](14*\NormalGoalWarning,0) -- (14,0); % meeting goal
\node[left] at (0,0) {0\%}; % label
\node[right] at (14,0) {100\%}; % label
% draw goal marker
\draw[draw=black, line width=2pt] (14*\NormalGoal,-0.5)% goal line
node[below] at (14*\NormalGoal,-0.5){90\%}%
node[above] at (14*\NormalGoal,0.5){goal}%
-- (14*\NormalGoal,0.5); %
% current value line
\draw[draw=RYGred, line width=2pt] (14*\CurrentMeasureValue, -0.5)
node[below] at (14*\CurrentMeasureValue, -0.5){\PercentWithDecimal{\CurrentMeasureValue}{2}}%
node[above] at (14*\CurrentMeasureValue, 0.5){current}%
-- (14*\CurrentMeasureValue,0.5); %
% previous measurement period value line
\draw[draw=gray, line width=2pt] (14*\PreviousMeasureValue, -0.5)
node[below] at (14*\PreviousMeasureValue, -0.5){\PercentWithDecimal{\PreviousMeasureValue}{2}}%
node[above] at (14*\PreviousMeasureValue, 0.5){previous}%
-- (14*\PreviousMeasureValue,0.5); %
百分比是否可能相等或非常接近?我建议旋转 30°
用于节点的垂直对齐 \vphantom{bp}
\documentclass[12pt]{article} %\usepackage{etoolbox} %NEW \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{RYGgreen}{RGB}{143,185,53} \definecolor{RYGyellow}{RGB}{230,226,46} \definecolor{RYGred}{RGB}{230,71,71} % goals \newcommand\NormalGoal{0.9} \newcommand\NormalGoalWarning{0.91} \newcommand\CurrentMeasureValue{0.7127625} \newcommand\PreviousMeasureValue{0.653847} %%% PercentWithDecimal %%% % turns a value into a percent with the specified number of digits after the decimal point % input 1 - the number to be rounded % input 2 - the number of digits after the decimal point \newcommand\PercentValue{} \newcommand\PercentWithDecimal[2]{% \pgfmathparse{100*#1}% \pgfmathprintnumberto[precision=#2]{\pgfmathresult}{\PercentValue}% \PercentValue\%% } \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}{h}% normal goal % draw line \draw[line width=5pt, RYGred](0,0) -- (14,0); % not meeting goal \draw[line width=5pt, RYGyellow](14*\NormalGoal,0) -- (14,0); % warning zone \draw[line width=5pt, RYGgreen](14*\NormalGoalWarning,0) -- (14,0); % meeting goal \node[left] at (0,0) {0\%}; % label \node[right] at (14,0) {100\%}; % label % draw goal marker \draw[draw=black, line width=2pt] (14*\NormalGoal,-0.5)% goal line node[rotate=30,below] at (14*\NormalGoal,-0.5){90\%}% node[rotate=30,above] at (14*\NormalGoal,0.5){\vphantom{bp}goal}% -- (14*\NormalGoal,0.5); % % current value line \draw[draw=RYGred, line width=2pt] (14*\CurrentMeasureValue, -0.5) node[rotate=30,below] at (14*\CurrentMeasureValue, -0.5){\PercentWithDecimal{\CurrentMeasureValue}{2}}% node[rotate=30,above] at (14*\CurrentMeasureValue, 0.5){\vphantom{bp}current}% -- (14*\CurrentMeasureValue,0.5); % % previous measurement period value line \draw[draw=gray, line width=2pt] (14*\PreviousMeasureValue, -0.5) node[rotate=30,below] at (14*\PreviousMeasureValue, -0.5){\PercentWithDecimal{\PreviousMeasureValue}{2}}% node[rotate=30,above] at (14*\PreviousMeasureValue, 0.5){\vphantom{bp}previous}% -- (14*\PreviousMeasureValue,0.5); % \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{document}
% goals
arr/.style args = {#1/#2}{draw=#2, line width=#1},
every node/.style = {text height=2ex, text depth=0.5ex,
inner xsep=0pt, text=black}% normal goal
% draw line
\draw[arr=5pt/RYGred] (0,0) node[left] {0\%}-- (14,0); % not meeting goal
\draw[arr=5pt/RYGyellow](14*\NormalGoal,0) -- (14,0); % warning zone
\draw[arr=5pt/RYGgreen](14*\NormalGoalWarning,0) -- (14,0) node[right] {100\%}; % meeting
% draw goal marker
(14*\NormalGoal,-0.5) node[below] {90\%} --
(14*\NormalGoal,0.5) node[above] {goal};
% current value line
(14*\CurrentMeasureValue, -0.5) node[below right] {\PercentWithDecimal{\CurrentMeasureValue}{2}} --
(14*\CurrentMeasureValue,0.5) node[above right] {current}; %
% previous measurement period value line
(14*\PreviousMeasureValue, -0.5) node[below left] {\PercentWithDecimal{\PreviousMeasureValue}{2}} --
(14*\PreviousMeasureValue,0.5) node[above left] {previous}; %