第一个问题。我想将这两个表格组织为主表的子表 (a) 和 (b),并共享一个标题。
\begin{tabular}{|Bc| c c c c c c c|}
\textbf{\footnotesize Patient} & Varus angle [°] & Posterior slope [°] & Body Weight [kg] & Body Weight [N] & $-F_z$ (HIGH100) [N] & $-F_z$ (Individual) [N] & Weight Factor [/] \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K1L} & 3 & 5 & 105 & 1030 & 4136.8 & 3587.1 & 0.92\T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K2L} & 5 & 11 & 92 & 903 & 4138.1 & 3655.3 & 0.94 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K3R} & 3.5 & 10 & 98 & 960 & 4152.8 & 2887.9 & 0.74 \T\B \\
\textbf{\footnotesize K5R} & 1 & 7 & 96 & 942 & 3508.4 & 3374.5 & 0.86 \T\B \\
\textbf{\footnotesize K6L} & -4 & 7 & 83 & 814 & 4060.3 & 2970.9 & 0.76 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K7L} & 6.5 & 7 & 69 & 678 & 3488.3 & 2146.8 & 0.55 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K8L} & 4 & 11 & 79 & 775 & 3542.8 & 2109.7 & 0.54 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K9L} & 7 & 6 & 109 & 1070 & 2938.5 & 2182.6 & 0.56 \T\B\\
\begin{tabular}{|Bc| c c c c c c c|}
\textbf{\footnotesize Patient} & Varus angle [°] & Posterior slope [°] & Body Weight [kg] & Body Weight [N] & $-F_z$ (HIGH100) [N] & $-F_z$ (Individual) [N] & Weight Factor [/] \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K1L} & 3 & 5 & 105 & 1030 & 2646.3 & 2436.1 & 0.86 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K2L} & 5 & 11 & 92 & 903 & 2830.9 & 1948.4 & 0.69 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K3R} & 3.5 & 10 & 98 & 960 & 2762.4 & 1987.7 & 0.7 \T\B \\
\textbf{\footnotesize K5R} & 1 & 7 & 96 & 942 & 2935.1 & 1996.5 & 0.7 \T\B \\
\textbf{\footnotesize K6L} & -4 & 7 & 83 & 814 & 3034.1 & 2187.6 & 0.86 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K7L} & 6.5 & 7 & 69 & 678 & 2414.4 & 1666.9 & 0.59 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K8L} & 4 & 11 & 79 & 775 & 2741 & 1631.4 & 0.58 \T\B\\
\textbf{\footnotesize K9L} & 7 & 6 & 109 & 1070 & 3359 & 2149.7 & 0.76 \T\B\\
\caption{Table in which the \emph{Weight Factors} are depicted as the ratio between the first load peak of the activity and the corresponding one in the average \emph{HIGH100} data. In figure a) the stair descending activity is shown while in figure b) the walking exercise can be seen. In both cases the patient highlighted in red was considered an outlier for the following calculations.}
(a) 和 (b) 共享一个标题,可以将以下结构与包一起使用subcaption
\footnotesize \centering
\begin{tabular}{|c| c c c c c c c|}
\subcaption{Subtable I}\label{subtab:a}
\footnotesize \centering
\begin{tabular}{|c| c c c c c c c|}
\subcaption{Subtable II}\label{subtab:b}
\caption{Table in which the \emph{Weight Factors} are depicted ...}
以包含适当的 SI 单位。
用 标记红线的起点\StrikeStarts{<cell contents>}
,用 标记红线的终点\StrikeEnds{<cell contents>}
\usepackage{makecell} % newlines in cell
\usepackage{siunitx} % SI units
\usepackage{subcaption}% subtables
% From https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/488910/161015
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]
\tikzstyle{na} = [shape=rectangle,inner sep=0pt]
\draw[red] (begin.west) -- (end.east);
\renewcommand*{\arraystretch}{1.2} % expand the cells vertically
\footnotesize \centering
\begin{tabular}{|C{blue!10}{1.5cm}| c c c c c c c|}
\thead{\\Patient } &
\thead{ Varus \\angle \\ \unit{[\degree]} } &
\thead{Posterior\\ slope \\ \unit{[\degree]} } &
\thead{ Body \\ Weight \\ \unit{[\kilogram]}} &
\thead{Body \\Weight \\ \unit{[\newton]}} &
\thead{ $-F_z$ \\(HIGH100) \\ \unit{[\newton]} }&
\thead{$-F_z$ \\ (Individual)\\ \unit{[\newton]}} &
\thead{Weight \\Factor\\ \unit{[/]} }\\
K1L&3 &5 &105&1030 &2646.3 &2436.1 &0.86\\
\StrikeStarts{K2L}&5 &11 &92 &903 &2830.9 &1948.4 &\StrikeEnds{0.69}\\
K3R&3.5 &10 &98 &960 &2762.4 &1987.7 &0.7\\
K5R&1 &7 &96 &942 &2935.1 &1996.5 &0.7\\
K6L&-4 &7 &83 &814 &3034.1&2187.6 &0.86\\
K7L&6.5 &7 &69 &678 &2414.4 &1666.9 &0.59\\
K8L&4 &11 &79 &775 &2741 &1631.4 &0.58\\
K9L&7 &6 &109 &1070 &3359 &2149.7&0.76\\
\subcaption{Subtable I}\label{subtab:a}
\footnotesize \centering
\begin{tabular}{|C{blue!10}{1.5cm}| c c c c c c c|}
\thead{\\Patient } &
\thead{ Varus \\angle \\ \unit{[\degree]} } &
\thead{Posterior\\ slope \\ \unit{[\degree]} } &
\thead{ Body \\ Weight \\ \unit{[\kilogram]}} &
\thead{Body \\Weight \\ \unit{[\newton]}} &
\thead{ $-F_z$ \\(HIGH100) \\ \unit{[\newton]} }&
\thead{$-F_z$ \\ (Individual)\\ \unit{[\newton]}} &
\thead{Weight \\Factor\\ \unit{[/]} }\\
K1L&3 &5 &105&1030 &2646.3 &2436.1 &0.86\\
K2L&5 &11 &92 &903 &2830.9 &1948.4 &0.69\\
K3R&3.5 &10 &98 &960 &2762.4 &1987.7 &0.7\\
K5R&1 &7 &96 &942 &2935.1 &1996.5 &0.7\\
K6L&-4 &7 &83 &814 &3034.1&2187.6 &0.86\\
K7L&6.5 &7 &69 &678 &2414.4 &1666.9 &0.59\\
K8L&4 &11 &79 &775 &2741 &1631.4 &0.58\\
K9L&7 &6 &109 &1070 &3359 &2149.7&0.76\\
\subcaption{Subtable II}\label{subtab:b}
\caption{Table in which the \emph{Weight Factors} are depicted as the ratio between the first load peak of the activity and the corresponding one in the average \emph{HIGH100} data. In table (a) the stair descending activity is shown while in table (b) the walking exercise can be seen. In both cases the patient highlighted in red was considered an outlier for the following calculations.}
与 tikz 节点配合使用的包nicematrix
\usepackage{siunitx} % SI units
\usepackage{subcaption}% subtables
\usepackage[left=3.00cm, right=3.00cm, top=4.00cm, bottom=3.00cm]{geometry}
\sisetup{table-format = 2.2, table-alignment-mode = format}
\begin{NiceTabular}[width=\linewidth]{>{\bfseries\columncolor{blue!10}}c S[table-number-alignment = center] c X[c] X[c] X[2,c] X[2,c] S[table-number-alignment = center]}[cell-space-top-limit=4pt,cell-space-bottom-limit=2pt]
\Block{}{Patient } &
\Block{}{Varus \\angle \\ \unit{[\degree]} } &
\Block{}{Posterior\\ slope \\ \unit{[\degree]} } &
\Block{}{Body \\ Weight \\ \unit{[\kilogram]}} &
\Block{}{Body \\Weight \\ \unit{[\newton]}} &
\Block{}{$-F_z$ \\(HIGH100) \\ \unit{[\newton]} }&
\Block{}{$-F_z$ \\ (Individual)\\ \unit{[\newton]}} &
\Block{}{Weight \\Factor\\ \unit{[/]} }\\
K1L&3 &5 &105&1030 &2646.3 &2436.1 &0.86\\
K2L&5 &11 &92 &903 &2830.9 &1948.4 &0.69\\
K3R&3.5 &10 &98 &960 &2762.4 &1987.7 &0.7\\
K5R&1 &7 &96 &942 &2935.1 &1996.5 &0.7\\
K6L&-4 &7 &83 &814 &3034.1&2187.6 &0.86\\
K7L&6.5 &7 &69 &678 &2414.4 &1666.9 &0.59\\
K8L&4 &11 &79 &775 &2741 &1631.4 &0.58\\
K9L&7 &6 &109 &1070 &3359 &2149.7&0.76\\
\tikz \draw [red] (3.5-|1) -- (3.5-|9); % strikeout <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\subcaption{Subtable I}\label{subtab:a}
\subcaption{Subtable II}\label{subtab:b}
\caption{Table in which the \emph{Weight Factors} are depicted as the ratio between the first load peak of the activity and the corresponding one in the average \emph{HIGH100} data. In table (a) the stair descending activity is shown while in table (b) the walking exercise can be seen. In both cases the patient highlighted in red was considered an outlier for the following calculations.}
和 siunitx
\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, siunitx}
\subfloat[Case A]{%
\begin{tblr}{colspec = {|X[l, m, font=\bfseries]
colsep = 3.3pt,
row{1} = {font=\small, bg=cyan9}
& {{{Varus\\ angle\\ {[\si{\degree}]} }}}
& {{{Posterior\\ slope\\ {[\si{\degree}]} }}}
& {{{Body\\ Weight\\ {[\si{\kilo\gram}]} }}}
& {{{Body\\ Weight\\ {[\si{\newton}]} }}}
& {{{$-F_z$\\ (HIGH100)\\ {[\si{\newton}]} }}}
& {{{$-F_z$ \\ (Individual)\\ {[\si{\newton}]} }}}
& {{{Weight\\ Factor}}} \\
K1L & 3 & 5 & 105 & 1030 & 4136.8 & 3587.1 & 0.92 \\
& 5 & 11 & 92 & 903 & 4138.1 & 3655.3 & 0.94 \\
K3R & 3.5 & 10 & 98 & 960 & 4152.8 & 2887.9 & 0.74 \\
K5R & 1 & 7 & 96 & 942 & 3508.4 & 3374.5 & 0.86 \\
K6L & -4 & 7 & 83 & 814 & 4060.3 & 2970.9 & 0.76 \\
K7L & 6.5 & 7 & 69 & 678 & 3488.3 & 2146.8 & 0.55 \\
K8L & 4 & 11 & 79 & 775 & 3542.8 & 2109.7 & 0.54 \\
K9L & 7 & 6 & 109 & 1070 & 2938.5 & 2182.6 & 0.56 \\
\subfloat[Case B]{%
\begin{tblr}{colspec = {|X[l, m, font=\bfseries]
colsep = 3.3pt,
row{1} = {font=\small, bg=cyan9}
& {{{Varus\\ angle\\ {[\si{\degree}]} }}}
& {{{Posterior\\ slope\\ {[\si{\degree}]} }}}
& {{{Body\\ Weight\\ {[\si{\kilo\gram}]} }}}
& {{{Body\\ Weight\\ {[\si{\newton}]} }}}
& {{{$-F_z$\\ (HIGH100)\\ {[\si{\newton}]} }}}
& {{{$-F_z$ \\ (Individual)\\ {[\si{\newton}]} }}}
& {{{Weight\\ Factor}}} \\
K1L & 3 & 5 & 105 & 1030 & 4136.8 & 3587.1 & 0.92 \\
K1L & 3 & 5 & 105 & 1030 & 2646.3 & 2436.1 & 0.86 \\
K2L & 5 & 11 & 92 & 903 & 2830.9 & 1948.4 & 0.69 \\
K3R & 3.5 & 10 & 98 & 960 & 2762.4 & 1987.7 & 0.7 \\
K5R & 1 & 7 & 96 & 942 & 2935.1 & 1996.5 & 0.7 \\
K6L & -4 & 7 & 83 & 814 & 3034.1 & 2187.6 & 0.86 \\
K7L & 6.5 & 7 & 69 & 678 & 2414.4 & 1666.9 & 0.59 \\
K8L & 4 & 11 & 79 & 775 & 2741 & 1631.4 & 0.58 \\
K9L & 7 & 6 & 109 & 1070 & 3359 & 2149.7 & 0.76 \\
\caption{Table in which the \emph{Weight Factors} are depicted as the ratio between the first load peak of the activity and the corresponding one in the average \emph{HIGH100} data. In figure a) the stair descending activity is shown while in figure b) the walking exercise can be seen. In both cases the patient highlighted in red was considered an outlier for the following calculations.}
\tikz[overlay,remember picture]\draw[red, thick] (a.west) -- ++ (\dimexpr\linewidth-1em,0);