使用 Make4ht 将 elife 模板部分转换为 HTML

使用 Make4ht 将 elife 模板部分转换为 HTML

使用Make4ht如何\section使用 elife.cls 模板转换为 HTML 代码?



\title{Grasp movement initiation and representation}

\author[1\authfn{1}]{J. Steven}
\author[2]{S. Manesesh}
\author[1*]{K. Alexanders}
\affil[1]{Department of Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, United Kingdom}
\affil[2]{Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, United Kingdom}

\corr{[email protected]}{AC}

\presentadd[\authfn{1}]{Zanvyl Mind/Brain Institute, United States}



We recorded single neurons in F1 and hold actions, and investigated the population-level differences could explain, please refer for each grasp (\FIG{Fig1Main}A) and \FIGSUPP[Fig1Main]{Fig1Supp} how overt movement is withheld during the latter condition.

\caption{During task. Top panels show pre-processed, rectified, and normalized average homepad and object displacement signals.}
\figsupp[EMG during all traces]{\textbf{(A.)} Execution traces are shown in \FIG{Fig1Main}.}{\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{Fig1Supp}} \label{figsupp:Fig1Supp}


elife LaTeX 模板可在此处获取:https://github.com/zhoupc/eLife_submission/blob/master/elife.cls


TeX4ht 对 Titlesec 包的支持似乎存在错误。elife.cls使用选项加载它explicit,导致 TeX4ht 修补分段命令失败。为了解决这个问题,我制作了一个修补文件,在加载 Titlesec 之前保存分段定义,并在处理 Titlesec 之后,用保存的版本覆盖 Titlesec 修改的分段。


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然后,您的 TeX 文件存在一些问题。首先,您使用了未定义的\FIGSUPP命令,然后,您使用它,\figsupp就好像它有一个可选参数,但它没有。它需要两个参数。这是一个更新的 TeX 文件:



\title{Grasp movement initiation and representation}

\author[1\authfn{1}]{J. Steven}
\author[2]{S. Manesesh}
\author[1*]{K. Alexanders}
\affil[1]{Department of Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, United Kingdom}
\affil[2]{Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, United Kingdom}

\corr{[email protected]}{AC}

\presentadd[\authfn{1}]{Zanvyl Mind/Brain Institute, United States}



We recorded single neurons in F1 and hold actions, and investigated the population-level differences could explain, please refer for each grasp (\FIG{Fig1Main}A) and \FIGSUPP[Fig1Main]{Fig1Supp} how overt movement is withheld during the latter condition.

\caption{During task. Top panels show pre-processed, rectified, and normalized average homepad and object displacement signals.}
\figsupp{EMG during all traces}{\textbf{(A.)} Execution traces are shown in \FIG{Fig1Main}.}{\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{Fig1Supp}} \label{figsupp:Fig1Supp}



% \renewcommand{\Authfont}{}
% \renewcommand{\Affilfont}{}

     \textbf{*For correspondence:}  \@correspondence\par
     \e:themetadata\textbf{Present address: }\@presentaddress\f:themetadata\fi


% redefine \@author to include affiliations and other information
    \else  \AB@authors\fi\fi\b:authlist}





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与上一个文件的不同之处在于,我在文件中添加了 HTML 输出的配置.4ht


