防止 IEEEeqnarray 忽略 baselineskip

防止 IEEEeqnarray 忽略 baselineskip

我在使用时遇到了这个问题\IEEEeqnarray。我已将文档的默认行距设置为\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt,但是对于方程数组之前的任何段落,此命令似乎被忽略,但之后的所有段落都正常。



\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt

Here is some text. This text is normal and spaced how I would like for it to be spaced. I am going to add a few more words to make it really clear what the spacing is meant to look like. Notice how the lines are relatively further apart compare to the following paragraph.

Here is some text. It is spaced too narrowly. This text is not spaced correctly since immediately after I am going to use the command \verb=\IEEEeqnarray=. For some reason I cannot understand it overrides the spacing I set up earlier.
    (a + b) + c & =  & a + b + c \\
    & = & a + (b + c)

This text after is also formatted correctly. The purpose of this text is to show that the affected text is only for paragraphs directly before the \verb=\IEEEeqnarray= environment.








  \baselineskip=18pt plus1pt
  \normalbaselineskip=18pt plus1pt


Here is some text. This text is normal and spaced how I would like for
it to be spaced. I am going to add a few more words to make it really
clear what the spacing is meant to look like. Notice how the lines
are relatively further apart compare to the following paragraph.

Here is some text. It is spaced too narrowly. This text is not spaced
correctly since immediately after I am going to use the command
\verb=\IEEEeqnarray=. For some reason I cannot understand it overrides
the spacing I set up earlier.
    (a + b) + c & =  & a + b + c \\
    & = & a + (b + c)

This text after is also formatted correctly. The purpose of this
text is to show that the affected text is only for paragraphs
directly before the \verb=\IEEEeqnarray= environment.



另一方面,使用灵活的基线跳过并不是最好的主意。如果能确保行数为整数,效果会更好,使用geometry和 包很容易做到这一点\linespread{1.5}
